Sunday Reflection: Keep Hope Alive

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In today’s world with frightening headlines blasting the worst possible scenarios into our homes, and the stress of the daily responsibility of providing for ourselves and our families weighing heavy on our hearts, coupled with the unpredictable, unwelcome, unwanted, unbelievably hard or harsh circumstances like floods, fires, relationship strife, death and disease it is very easy to get depressed, discouraged and down-trodden. But God has a solution for our despairing hearts! While writing my newest book (co-authored with Bible teacher Jean E Jones and artist Karla Dornacher), Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Biblical Experience, Jean, in passing said,…

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My Favorite Book. Is It Yours? By Darlene Franklin

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My Favorite Book. It Is Yours? by Darlene Franklin     Since I’m an author, it’s not surprising that I read. Some books I never finish, some I’ve read five times. But even with my favorite books, I reach a saturation point and let them gather dust on a special shelf. But there is one book I started reading as a child which I find as endlessly fascinating and worthy of study as the first time I opened it over fifty years ago: my Bible. No other book stirs so much discussion with friends and strangers. Whenever I’m sad, it gives me…

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Editing Tip #59

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Hi! I’m Kathy Ide. In addition to being a published author, I’m a full-time professional freelance editor. For CAN, I’m blogging about tips for writers based on the manuscripts I edit.            

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12 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power

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  “Nutty with a Dash of Meat Jeanette Levellie” here. We already know how smart you are, since you’re following the CAN blog! But if you’d like to increase your brain power, I believe you’ll enjoy these 12 fun ways. I discovered  the first 11 on brain specialist Dr. Daniel G. Amen’s blog, and the 12th–a fun method I use to stretch my own brain muscles–is my idea. I have also added some of my thoughts to Dr. Amen’s. 1. Learn something new–an obscure president’s name, a variety of flower, even a little-known verse to a song.

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Writing a “Keeper”

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You learn a lot about yourself and why you hold on to things when you move! We are downsizing significantly to a simplified #midlifeadventure home. Yes, we will have an office and perhaps a smaller lakeside cabin one day, but for now my time has been spent sorting, selling or finding a home for all the “things” that have made our house a home. And for two authors, the THOUSANDS of books we own are a big part of what makes our place “home.”

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Writer’s Treasure

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Hi! It’s Sherry Kyle writing from Central California.  As I was considering how I could encourage you today in your writing journey, my thoughts turned toward Scripture. There is no better way to keep our eyes and hearts focused on God than to point to the Bible, the best-selling book of all time. Here are some verses to treasure as you write for Him:

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