Never a Panic in Heaven

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Never a Panic in Heaven by Janet Chester Bly Which of these  statements do you most relate to? What I see is all there is. I’m governed by chance, ruled by fate. Mine is a bleak, empty existence, leading nowhere. My life is governed by my good choices and happy thoughts. We’re ruled by fearsome forces who can attack at any moment. Or I believe in a loving, powerful God who has a benevolent plan for the world, and for me, and the power to see it through. Charlie Shedd wrote, “Even when things seem to the contrary, I believe…

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There Is a Time

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…Who knows if perhaps you were made Queen for just such a time as this? Esther 4:14 NLT Esther realized God had placed her in a unique position as queen of a foreign nation. She had a choice to make—to risk her life to save the people of Israel or die trying. During the American Revolution, Lydia Darragh found herself with a difficult decision to make as well. In September 1777, British troops under General William Howe had occupied her town and her residence. She and her family were allowed to remain in their home only because they were Quakers…

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