Marketing Ideas From Cheri Cowell

Cheri CowellWriters go where writers gather. Let me be bold and say, if you are calling yourself a writer, you will be at a writers’ conference this year. I know, you don’t have the money; I don’t know your family situation. You are right. I had those same obstacles my first years in this business, but I wrote articles that paid $10 and $20 to pay for my first conference–a lot of articles. I found solutions to my family issues because I was determined to be where writers are.

I knew I needed to attend conferences for instruction, inspiration, and networking if I were ever to land a contract. Eventually I got that first contract, and I attribute it to faithfully attending writers’ conferences. Here is a list of where writers will be in 2016. Make a plan today to be with them.

February 5–7, Cecil Murphey’s Writer to Writer Conf. Hershey, PA

February 24–28, Florida Christian Writers Conf. Leesburg, FL

March 11-12, Carolina Christian Writers Conf. Spartanburg, S.C.

March 18–22, Mt Hermon Christian Writers Conf. Fellton, CA.

April 1–2, Write2Ignite! Conf. North Greenville, S.C.

May 11-14, Colorado Christian Writers Conf. Estes Park, CO

May 22–26, Blue Ridge Mtns Christian Writers Conf. Asheville, N.C.

June 8–11, Write-to-Publish Conf. Chicago, Ill.

June 15-19, Wesleyan Writers Conf. Middletown, Conn.

June 22–26, St. David’s Christian Writers Conf. Grove City, PA.

June 23-25, Kentucky Christian Writers Conf. Elizabethtown, KY

July TBA, Montrose Christian Writers Conf. Montrose, PA

Aug 3-6, Greater Philly Christian Writers Conf. Landsdale, PA

Aug TBA, Atlanta Christian Writers Conf. Woodstock, GA

August 25–28, American Christian Fiction Writers, Nashville, TN.

Oct 20-23, Maranatha Christian Writers Conf. Muskegon, MI

Oct TBA, East Texas Christian Writers Conf. Marshall, TX

I look forward to seeing you at one of these conferences in 2016, where writers will be.

Cheri Cowell is the author of a new devotional book, 365 Devotions for Peace, released in December from Zondervan. Her Bible study  Parables and Word Pictures in the AMG Following God Bible study series is a favorite in bookstores everywhere.

Connect with Cheri Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and you can read her blogs on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month Cheri’s Blog