Social Distance, Stay Home, Be Still

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Social Distance, Stay Home, Be Still By Christi Grace I have had a lot of time on my hands since this whole Corona Virus quarantine thing started. I’m sure most of us are so tired of hearing about social-distancing, stay-at-home, and all the other newly coined phrases that have been conceived in the last six weeks. But, in this time of forced solitude, God has shown me some amazing things. He’s taught me a lot, and it’s been the most incredible blessing amid what the world has considered confusing and turbulent times. A perfect time to “be still” and listen…

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Just Say Thank You

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  When one of my publishers asked me to add a Thanksgiving book to my holiday board book series, it took a while for me to decide what to write. The story of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower would be too long to squeeze into twenty-four lines! I considered what Thanksgiving means to young children and the answer was obvious. Young children celebrate Thanksgiving with family, and it’s a time to thank God for our blessings. The text became a simple prayer, thanking God for food, family, mountains, birds, bumblebees, and more. Thanksgiving is a day to thank God for…

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Lessons from Birdsong

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  “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26). This morning I awoke to the sweet sound of birdsong. The feathered creatures seemed to be singing their praise for a new day, for sunshine just breaking through the darkness, for an ample food supply. I wonder…am I as grateful for these and a multitude of other blessings? The cheery chorus reminded me these little ones diligently pursue their sole responsibility—being the best winged-creatures…

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A Writer’s Senses

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  Gracious God, thank you for the smell of pencil shavings, the elegance of a good fountain pen, and the click-clack of ancient typewriter keys… for the intoxication of creative juices, the sweetness of a well-turned phrase… for the creak of the office chair, and the surprise of a catch in the throat and the salty track of a tear on the cheek… for the hum of a computer, for the thrum of a printer, for the agony of the blank page, the ecstasy of the last line, the terror of hitting “send” and the fragrance of fresh ink on…

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Yes! Have the Breakfast Too!

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Hello from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert where it’ll soon be cooler weather! “Mommy, I’m ready to go over to Irene’s!” I cried out. I had my pajamas and toothbrush! It was going to be my first overnighter at my best friend, Irene’s house, across the street. I could hardly contain my excitement. I felt like such a big girl to be able to spend the night at someone’s house. A big step for a first-grader! My mother accompanied me across the street and Irene and I had a great time that evening. We didn’t go to…

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Was I too daring with my attire at the ICRS this year?

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Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome Like most of you, I ponder, reflect, evaluate and pray and pray some more before heading to any writer’s conference or event. I did the same before this past AWSA and ICRS events in Orlando. This year the decision was easier. I figured that since they were being held in my hometown, hotel expenses would be eliminated. And I could even host some dear friends in our home.

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Tip for Speakers

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"Manners are the beginning of integrity." The first time I read that quote I thought how simple yet profound.  I pondered for a moment how simple etiquette reveals immediately whether or or not we courteous, considerate and grateful. And, when it is present it refreshes everyone who happens to encounter it. As speakers, we are often the ultimate focal point of someone’s event.  Therefore we are lavished with praise, gifts and our every need is attempted to met.  In return, what are we giving beside a great talk? Having been both a Women’s Ministry Leader and still a speaker I have sat on both sides of the table. Therefore, I’d like to share from…

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Running on fumes

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  This past Sunday, my hubby and I headed to the beach to visit friends and catch some sun rays. But the trip turned cold when the display on the dash showed we had 14 miles before empty. Gulp. Nothing but highway ahead. The 14 soon turned to 10. We prayed. Then the indicator turned to 5. Then 2. No gas stations, or exits anywhere either. Finally, the displayed showed zero miles. That’s when I swallowed what I might have said and instead spoke softly. “Honey, God still works miracles.” I fidgeted in my seat. “A gas station will appear…

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