Tips from the Pros: Dr. Ted Baehr

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing Dr. Ted Baehr. Not only has Dr. Baehr penned many books, but he is the founder of the popular and influential Movieguide® review service, which is having a surprisingly positive effect on Hollywood. Check out the statistics in the final question below! Ted, how did you get into writing? When I was the president of the company that produced THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE for CBS Television in 1979 and 1980 that had 37 million viewers and won an Emmy Award, Roy Carlisle from Harper…

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Make it Your Best Year Yet

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Personally and Professionally I (Pam Farrel) have selected a word and a verse for the year each January since I was 19. Bill and I when we married at twenty, continued this tradition. Download our Your Best Year Yet goal-setting worksheets. Selecting a Word for the Year helps provide focus. We each choose an area needing the most growth, help or improvement. By focusing our energies, choosing a Word for the Year, a verse, a theme and a clarifying question, we often see powerful results.

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Tips from the Pros: Carol McAdams Moore

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Merry Christmas from Sarah Sundin in rainy (at last!) California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Carol McAdams Moore, the author of two new devotional books for tween boys and girls. Recently I introduced my fourth- and fifth-grade Sunday school class to the books, and they were a huge hit with kids and teachers alike! Carol, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published? I began as a teacher of the deaf. Many materials I used in the classroom needed to be rewritten, using specific word choice and sentence structure. I also had to…

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Tips from the Pros: Trish Perry

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Trish Perry, a multi-published, award-winning author of both fiction and non-fiction. She is well loved in the Christian fiction community for her support for her fellow authors. Trish, how did you get into writing? I went back to school as an adult to earn my Psychology degree. During that process, I found I really enjoyed the writing aspect of each of my courses. A number of my professors encouraged me to pursue writing beyond what I wrote for them. So I included several creative writing courses in…

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Knowing Your Competition

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Cheri Cowell here— When authors are asked about their book’s competition, sometimes they are hesitant to respond. They might be fearful of sounding critical of others or too highly of themselves. But, knowing your competition and how you are positioned with them is critical not only to completing that pesky part of the proposal, but also in selling your book. You want to learn the competition dance. The first step in the dance is reading the books similar to yours in genre, subject matter, and theme. You should have read the top five, if not more. As you read, note…

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Tips from the Pros: Candy Arrington

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Greeting from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the privilege of interviewing Candy Arrington, whose nonfiction books have helped countless people through difficult times. Candy has plenty to share about how articles help promote her books and extend her ministry. Candy, tell us about your books. While my list of published books isn’t long, my first book, Aftershock: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B & H Publishing Group), has been in print for eleven years, which is somewhat unusual for the current market.

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Eight Lessons I’ve Learned About Writing

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Hi! Ava Pennington writing from sunny Florida, where autumn means a high of only 80 degrees! School has now been in session for a month or two. This means that all across the country, children are facing the same question that has been asked for generations: “What did you learn today?” To my mother’s utter frustration, as a child I’d often answer her question with a blank stare and a mumbled, “I don’t know,” or even worse, “Nothing.” Sorry Mom! Many years later (yes, it took me a while!), I realized I’m wasting my time if I don’t learn from…

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Tips from the pros: Narelle Atkins

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Greetings from the golden state of Colorado these cool, fall days. Davalynn Spencer here, so happy to welcome fellow Heartsong author Narelle Atkins from Down Under! Narelle, tell us how you got into writing and a few of your latest titles. I started writing my first book, Her Tycoon Hero, in 1998. I’ve always been an avid romance reader and I decided I wanted to try to write my own romance. My debut book, Falling for the Farmer, was a February 2014 release from Heartsong Presents. I signed a six-book contract for two 3-book series. I have four books releasing…

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Tips from the Pros: Sandra Orchard

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California, where fall is still failing to fall. Today I’m interviewing one of CAN’s newest members, Sandra Orchard, whose romantic suspense and mystery novels are hooking readers and winning awards. Sandra, how did you get into writing? I always wanted to be a writer, but didn’t consider writing fiction until about ten years ago, soon after discovering Christian fiction. Seeing characters navigate through many of the same issues I faced, especially loss, and emerging victorious inspired much needed hope and fresh ways of looking at my own experiences. I started thinking that I’d like to…

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Tips from the Pros: Diana Lesire Brandmeyer

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing multi-published author Diana Brandmeyer, who has been published in nonfiction, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, and children’s books! How’s that for multi-dimensional? Better than that, Diana blesses us all with her delightful humor and generous heart.

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