Fascinating Friday – Catch the Vision

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by Cheryl Schuermann Like many young writers, I once dreamed of writing novels set in exotic places with castles and golden-haired princesses with tiny waists. But more than a half century later, I found myself standing at the edge of a farm pond in the muck helping my grandchildren catch tadpoles. And thinking…wow, I see the makings of a devotion here. When this “I’ll never live in the country” city girl married a boy from rural Oklahoma more than fifty years ago, I didn’t realize how I would come to love the country experience. Soon after Stan and I married…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Glory in the Ordinary

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by Cheryl Schuermann I never entertained the thought of writing a devotional book. That is, until I met the church doors. We discovered them in a lonely metal shed on The Farm, the recreational land my in-laws purchased many years prior. Amid flying dust and a thick curtain of cobwebs, my husband and I cleaned the doors with rags just enough to reveal the arched glass panels and heavy brass handles and hinges. Though the doors were not ornate, we found them to be extraordinary. Before he passed, my father-in-law mentioned how he rescued several doors from the old church…

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Building Relationships in the Crazy COVID Crisis

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Building Relationships in the Crazy COVID Crisis by Susan G Mathis Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship; it will affect every aspect of your relationships. Good personal communication is the act of revealing yourself—your past experiences, present feelings, and future dreams. It’s sharing your fears, needs, and desires carefully and honestly. Communicating well is also about setting boundaries, confronting problems, admitting when you’re wrong, rejecting fearmongering and negativity, and extending grace to each other. But in this crazy COVID season, it feels so isolating, so anti-relationship, and so self-withdrawing. In short, it’s scary. It’s confusing. It’s lonely. It makes…

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You Never Know Who’s Listening

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You Never Know Who’s Listening by Susan G Mathis In August, I had the blessing of being part of the book talk and signing at the Cornwall Brothers Museum in the Thousand Islands, NY. With COVID, I wasn’t sure if anyone would come, but I was shocked that fifty people filled the room and many more were turned away because of the number restrictions in place. I sold sixty books that day. While that was great, I was surprised by grace not once but three times! Three women asked me to sign their books, and while they did, each one…

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What is the “Vine of Sodom”?

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As I studied the questions God asks in the Bible in preparation to write God’s Intriguing Questions: 40 Old Testament Devotions Revealing God’s Nature (co-authored with my husband, Larry), I came across a fascinating reference to the “vine of Sodom” (Deuteronomy 32:32) God gives as an example of how His people have sinned and why they deserve justice and judgment. “For their vine comes from the vine of Sodom and from the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of poison; their clusters are bitter.” (ESV) Some commentators have varying ideas about the “vine of Sodom” which the Bible refers…

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Praising God in Uncertain Times

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  We are living in uncertain times. A global pandemic is not something we are used to coping with. When life changes quickly it often causes anxiety and fear. But the one constant we have is that our Almighty God never changes. Knowing and believing that God is greater than our circumstance gives us hope and peace. In Psalm 150:2 the psalmist writes, Praise Him because He is greater than anything else. That means God is greater than our worries and fears. He is greater than our circumstances. And He is greater than a global pandemic. One of the best…

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Joyful Thinking

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What we live is first what we think.  So what does God want us to think about that will elevate our mind, soul, spirit and life? Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Phil 4:8) In Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Bible Study Experience, we dig a little deeper to see what each word means… Noble: Honorable, reverent, dignified, gravitas Right: Correct, just in the eyes of God, judicially approved Pure: Holy, sacred, chaste, prepared for…

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Stop Checking the Rear View Mirror

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I was going through a difficult time,and was replaying the hurt, pain, and offense over and over. And God has the ability to get our attention  when we get stuck in life–especially when it is not a healthy place we are stuck in!  In my daily devotions I read Phil 3: 13: Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead… Then later that day, after I had recounted the depressive situation once again, a dear friend said to me:…

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Power for Tough Times

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that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Phil 3:10   This verse has special meaning to me. I met a curly -haired,  tan, fit college student leader  at Campus Crusade for Christ headquarters in the late summer of 1978. His Bible was so used and worn he had to have it rebound in rough tan leather and burned into the front cover was “That I may know Him” I fell in love with Bill Farrel not just for his good looks, but rather, for his God-chasing heart. …

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Where Does Stability Reside?

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In Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Bible Study Experience, we look at verses that show the path to true joy. Having a stable life with a sure foundation does make life more joyful. Let’s take a quick glance at Psalms 15 to see the stepping stones to stability (note the bold faced italicized words): Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?     Who may live on your holy mountain?  2 The one whose walk is blameless,     who does what is righteous,     who speaks the truth from their heart; 3 whose tongue utters no slander,     who does no wrong to a neighbor,     and casts…

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