Fascinating Friday Feature – The Funniest Review

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by Linore Rose Burkard The Funniest Review: Thoughts on Reading and Readers All writers know that book reviews can be wonderful, maddening, or anything in between. One day, early in my writing career, I received an unexpectedly comical “review” for my first book, Before the Season Ends. A young lady came to me at church gushing about how she loved it and had lent it to a friend before school began earlier that week. She went on to relate how her friend had started it in homeroom, instantly loved it, and proceeded to read all day—all 310 pages—so that she’d…

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Fascinating Friday Post – No Fear in Pre-school

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Taking a break from writing fiction for a bit, I wanted to share this raw and rare post. As authors, our stories stem from our daily lives, and this process requires honesty at every turn. So here’s a bit of honesty for you – I just left my grandson’s preschool open house. He led me by the hand to the classroom he recognized from last year. His teachers greeted him with warm hugs as they exchanged giggles. They’ve clearly missed each other. The walls of his classroom were decorated in primary colors that spotlighted an airplane theme throughout the entire…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Glory in the Ordinary

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by Cheryl Schuermann I never entertained the thought of writing a devotional book. That is, until I met the church doors. We discovered them in a lonely metal shed on The Farm, the recreational land my in-laws purchased many years prior. Amid flying dust and a thick curtain of cobwebs, my husband and I cleaned the doors with rags just enough to reveal the arched glass panels and heavy brass handles and hinges. Though the doors were not ornate, we found them to be extraordinary. Before he passed, my father-in-law mentioned how he rescued several doors from the old church…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Not What I Expected

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by Linda Wood Rondeau When God first called me to write, He gave me Ephesians 3:20 as a promise: “Now tohim who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his powerthat is at work within us.” (NIV) I filled with excitement. “Yeah! I can imagine a whole lot, Lord.” I dreamed of moviesadapted from my novels. I imagined my books flying off the shelves in bookstores. I visualizedmy name and books on bestseller lists. None, of course, has happened as of this writing. Not what God promised. I heard when I wanted to…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Who Do I Serve?

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As a writer, I often beat my head against the blank screen of procrastination and perfection. There is nothing like a tight deadline to make me wonder exactly what it is that I’m hoping to accomplish. One would think such a looming deadline would translate to a well-written story that appears magically on demand. Not true. At times like this, I really need to know the truth. Why do I write? Aside from the lofty goals of fame and fortune – (insert giggle snort) – why do I write? Seriously, this is a question all writers must ask ourselves so…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Creative Droughts?

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Writer’s Block. You often hear this term mentioned as if that inner mechanism that helps writers spew out strings of meaningful words is somehow turned off. Stuck. Out of order until further notice. This may happen at times, but for me, it goes much deeper than that. Personally, I can always write. Give me a blank journal page, and I’ll ask enough questions to figure out how I’m thinking and the reason for it. My handwritten notes are part prayer and part praise. A partial download of the heaviest parts of the previous day, along with a partial discovery of…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – Trimming the Edges

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Slice. Turn. Slice. I can hear the sharp sound of that long metal blade so clearly in my mind, along with my school-teacher mother’s soft voice. “Watch your fingers. Take your time. Line it up to the gridlines so it will be straight.” She had brought home a sheet of laminated math flashcards that showed everything from fractions to multiplication and division on them. The answer to each problem could be found on the back. They were lined side by side, but linked together by the sheets of plastic and needed to be separated. At age six, I was too…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – The Mafia in America

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Pre 1890s While researching my recent release, Claire, I uncovered several interesting facts about the mafia in America. In my book, Claire boards a train to flee New York after her mafia father is murdered and a contract is placed on her head. Toby, an undercover Pinkerton operative, heads for Denver, finding himself on a train with a woman who is vaguely familiar to him. Toby, to add to his cover story, has placed an ad for a mail-order bride. Claire replies to the ad, neither realizing their connection. Can they solve the mystery of who is trying to kill…

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Fascinating Friday Feature –

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A behind-the-scenes peek at writing. I begin each new book with…get ready for it… “Now, how do I do this?” Every single book. One would think after sixteen novels, I wouldn’t have to ask this question. So, why would I? That’s another question I ask at the start of each book. Why is this so hard? Well, if it were easy, everyone would write a book, right? Still…even when I follow the brief synopsis I submit to my publisher for the book, I struggle with getting started, mostly because the actual story rarely follows what I submitted. Take Counter Attack,…

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Seen and Heard – April and May Happenings

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Many among our Christian Authors Network have been seen and heard, caught out and about spreading the word on their books, their message, and most importantly, the love and provision of our precious Father. Here’s where you may catch them: Susan Neal, CEO of Christian Authors Network (CAN) and Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA), was a featured speaker at The Well Conference for Creatives in Hudsonville, Michigan in April. In addition to her faculty sessions, Susan announced the winners of the Christian Indie Awards and the CAN Marketing Awards with a live presentation for the first time during their awards…

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