by Linda Wood Rondeau
When God first called me to write, He gave me Ephesians 3:20 as a promise: “Now to
him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power
that is at work within us.” (NIV)
I filled with excitement. “Yeah! I can imagine a whole lot, Lord.” I dreamed of movies
adapted from my novels. I imagined my books flying off the shelves in bookstores. I visualized
my name and books on bestseller lists.
None, of course, has happened as of this writing.
Not what God promised. I heard when I wanted to hear. Not what God wanted me to
He knew I needed time to get my priorities realigned.
Though I published in anthologies, magazines, and Sunday school take home papers,
even winning several prestigious awards, my selfish imaginings loomed farther and farther
away. I never received a book contract until eleven years to the date of God’s call.
Nearly thirteen years later, the Lord continues to chip away at my selfish ambition and
my petty jealousy when other authors talk about their huge and noteworthy successes. He
chastens me when I cry out, “But why not me?”
The Lord reminds me from time to time, like well-known pastors, some writers are called
to mega audiences while, like the unknown pastor of a small church, other authors are called to
more niche audiences.
He reminds me my writing is a ministry to Him, not a competition with other Christian
There are times when I still cry out, “Lord, I can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much.”
“Yes, you can,” He says. “I haven’t failed my promise. Think on all the opportunities this
call has brought you so far.”
When I trace back the years, I realize my zig-zag writing journey has taken me on twists
and turns I never expected: opportunities to write a column for my local newspaper, service as a
managing editor for a traditional publishing company, and opportunities to encourage new
writers at workshops both online and in person. These are just a few things I can say are more
than I could have hoped or imagined.
I am currently self-publishing a middle-grade science fiction book. Something I never
thought I’d attempt. Nor did I ever imagine I’d write for this age group.
As a result of this project, God is challenging me to work with upper elementary grade
students. I volunteer one hour a week at a nearby school to help students who have fallen behind
in reading skills. What joy to see a child’s imagination bloom when they discover the magic of
Christian author, your writing journey, submitted to God, will take you places beyond
your wildest imagination.
Perhaps not on the New York Times Bestseller list. But I can
guarantee, he’ll push you, challenge you, or even drag you to places and opportunities you never
Linda’s newest work will be released soon:
GLICK/My Favorite Alien, a middle-grade science
fiction story.

Linda Wood Rondeau
The author is a breast cancer survivor and a recovering food addict. A Toastmaster graduate, she enjoys speaking to groups about her experiences as well as the writing life and is listed on Christian Women Speakers. The author has recently founded a support group for writers, Christian Writers Co-op, currently on Facebook.
You may contact her through her website
Also on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Linked In.