Working with a Literary Agent: 6 Essentials

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Greetings from Jackie M. Johnson! Are you working with a literary agent for the first time? Or, are you looking for ways to improve the working relationship you have with your current agent? If so, here are six essential things you need to know. As an author, it is vital to know what your agent does—and what he or she does not do. Knowing this information can help alleviate misunderstandings and create a sense of realistic expectations.  

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Tips from the Pros: Doreen Hanna

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the honor of interviewing royalty! Doreen Hanna is known as the Queen of the Princesses for her work in guiding young ladies to see their worth as princesses—as daughters of the King of kings. So put on your crowns and listen to what Doreen has to share. Doreen, how did you get into writing? I had written a curriculum that I wanted published. After after several months of attempting to secure a contract for me my literary agent stated, “Have you ever considered writing a book?” “No,” was my immediate response. It seemed…

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Guidelines For A Compiled Book Series

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It’s amazing to me that compiled books are still being published. Even what is most likely the longest running series, the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, is still taking submssions and printing books. Years ago, a publisher invited me to start a compiled series called God’s Vitamin "C" for the Spirit and I caught the fever. I ended up compiling and editing about a dozen books in the series. Every once in a while someone contacts me with an idea for a compiled book and I still contribute to those as I can. Because of the successful books in…

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Tips from the Pros: Bonnie Leon

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the joy of interviewing someone I consider a good friend—even though we haven’t met in person! Bonnie Leon and I have been critique partners for several years, and I’ve enjoyed learning from this extremely talented, experienced, and generous multi-published author. Bonnie, how many books do you have published? What are a few of your latest titles? I’ve published twenty books—nineteen novels and one memoir. My most recent title is Where Eagles Soar, it is a memoir I wrote for a woman who grew up in the Alaskan wilderness. The series, Alaskan Skies, released…

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Best Laid Plans

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Greetings from Ava Pennington in sunny Florida! Conventional wisdom tells us that to be successful we should become adept at planning. Good planning helps us manage resources and minimize unexpected challenges. But life doesn’t always work out as we planned. 

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Tips from the Pros: Lena Nelson Dooley

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the honor of interviewing award-winning novelist Lena Nelson Dooley. Her novel Catherine’s Pursuit was a finalist for this year’s CAN Golden Scroll Award! Lena is well-known and loved in the writing community for mentoring new writers and supporting authors on her

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After an unusually cool spring and month of June, our typical Texas summer has come in with the fireworks of the 4th of July this past week. But those of us who have grown up in Texas, are used to it, and we get through it every year. Some may feel like the fireworks fly when it comes to the Q&A time after one has delivered one’s talk. Well, I have a confession to make …

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Tips from the Pros: Shelly Beach

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California, where summer has struck full force. What better way to usher in summer than with an author named Beach? No groaning please. Today I’m pleased to interview Shelly Beach, nationally known speaker and Christy-Award-winning author. Her ministry of encouragement to the hurting will inspire you—plus she has gobs of free ministry resources on her website! Shelly, how many books do you have published? What are a few of your latest titles? I have ten published books, including Love Letters from the Edge: Meditations for Those Struggling with Brokenness, Trauma, and the Pain of Life…

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Finding a Literary Agent

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Greetings from Jackie M. Johnson!  In today’s market, finding a literary agent is no longer an option, it’s an essential. A good agent is your advocate, the person who represents your book ideas to potential publishers and aims to get you the best book deal possible. He or she negotiates the deal in terms of advance, rights and royalties. So, how do you find an agent? First, know what you are looking for in a potential agent. Some agents specialize while others are more generic in the types of manuscripts they are looking for. For instance, an agent may work…

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Tips from the Pros – Marti Pieper

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! What fun today—I get to turn the interview tables on Marti Pieper. Marti is one of the volunteers who helps post the CAN author interviews here. We all appreciate her dedication to the writing craft and her support for other authors and CAN. Marti has collaborated on several nonfiction books, is a prolific article writer, and she assists writers as an editor too! Marti, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published? Like many authors, I have loved to write since I was a child. Thanks to an encouraging teacher, I…

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