Tips From the Pros with Janet Chester Bly

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Good morning. Davalynn Spencer, here, and absolutely thrilled to be introducing our encore interviewee, Janet Bly. Years ago when writing was merely one of my unrealized dreams, I intersected with Janet and her husband, Steven, through the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys for whom I worked. The Blys graciously offered guidance and suggestions – via that nearly extinct method of communication called hand-written letters and postage stamps. I’ve never forgotten their generosity of time and their heart for Christian authors.

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Tips From the Pros: Winnie Griggs

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Davalynn Spencer here again, from Colorado’s Front Range, welcoming today’s featured author, Winnie Griggs. Winnie was last featured on the CAN blog in 2009, and she’s written quite a bit since and come up with some great tips for us all. Thanks for visiting with us today Winnie. How many books do you have published now, and what are a few of your latest titles? My 16th just came out. The last four have all been connected and the titles and release dates are: Handpicked Husband   September 2012 The Bride Next Door   June 2013 A Family For Christmas  October 2013…

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