It’s December: Time for the beach!

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Linda J. White here, writing from Somerville, Virginia, where an unusually warm December has had me wearing sandals and thinking about the beach. And while I know Old Man Winter still has a punch or two in store for us, I think the beach is a great lead-in to a few words about marketing.

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Avoid the Most Common Writing Mistakes

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Georgia Shaffer from Pennsylvania Several of my coaching clients are writers and speakers who surprisingly make similar mistakes in their writing.  Here are six suggestions I find myself repeating, which you may find helpful. 1. Write and let it sit for awhile. Your writing should be allowed to age, like great relationships.  While you may not always have the luxury of time, plan ahead when possible. Work on other projects and come back to what you’ve written a couple of weeks later.  You’ll be stunned at what you find that you did not notice earlier. 2.  Hire a professional editor….

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