102 Wiggly Bible Rhymes and Rhythms
by Karen H Whiting and Mary Rose Pearson
Abingdon Press
ISBN 13-978-1-4267-0849-7
A treasure book of rhymes, rhythms, songs, and games for preschool and young elementary children. Church leaders, teachers, and parents will find this resource easy to use to help get wiggles out of restless little ones. The book helps children use different learning styles to remember and reinforce Bible stories and their meanings. The book includes a wide array of styles and types of activities that include clapping songs, choral readings, finger plays, action rhymes, and rhymes with games. Indexes list rhymes by Bible stories and topics. The book will provide hours of interactive fun to delight children.
Karen Whiting has authored eleven books, directed an award winning puppet ministry, and hosted the TV series, Puppets on Parade. She is a mother of five and a grandmother who loves entertaining children with materials that also teach. Co-auther Mary Rose Pearson celebrated her 90th birthday this year. She has served as a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, missionary, piano teacher, and puppeteer and has authored 28 books.
Paula Shene
March 13, 2010 - 14 : 30 : 04This is wonderful…just shows how God in our heart keeps our mind youth oriented! …Paula Shene, author Mandy The Alpha Dog