Tips From The Pros: Michelle S. Lazurek

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Greetings from the Sunny, Sweltering, Why-Do-I-Still-Live-Here? South! In my humble opinion, summer is definitely overrated. I’m ready for Winter. “But,” you say, “what about fall? Don’t you like fall?” I do. It’s my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, we don’t get fall in Florida. We barely get winter. But enough about all that. Let’s grab an iced tea, have a sit on the front porch, and welcome our next author for our series, Tips From the Pros. Please welcome, Michelle S. Lazurek! Michelle, we’re so glad you’re here. Hope it’s not too hot for you. I’ve got the ceiling fan on…

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Tips from the Pros: Jane S. Daly

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! If you attend any writers’ conferences in northern California, you’re sure to meet Jane Daly. Her brilliant smile and energetic personality make everyone feel welcome. I was thrilled when Jane joined CAN recently, and it’s an honor to introduce one of our newest members. Jane, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published? As of September 1, I will have published two books. The first one was released in February of 2015, Because of Grace: A Mother’s Journey from Grief to Hope. This latest one is The Caregiving Season:…

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A Writer’s Confession

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Bob Hostetler here, offering another prayer for writers: Lord God Almighty, I confess that I have sinned against you through my own fault, in thought and word and deed, by what I have done and by what I have left undone. I confess that I have too often trusted my own strength instead of relying on yours; I have let my puny ability suffice when I could have and should have laid hold of your ready power. I confess that I have chased after mammon, and written for mere money, instead of seeking first your kingdom and your glory, and…

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Make Much Ado of Your New Book by Bob Hostetler

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I am no marketing genius, and though I’ve written forty-five books, I still have much to learn about author and book publicity. But I recently felt like I got something right with the book launch for my latest book, The Bard and the Bible: A Shakespeare Devotional, a book of daily reflections drawn from a quote from Shakespeare and a verse from the King James Version of the Bible (which were both created in the same period, country, and city). Go where people are I’ve done many book signings, and while some went better than others, they were far more…

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How Firm a Foundation

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by Judith Couchman               I write the first sentence and trust in God for the next.—Laurence Sterne Jesus told a poignant parable about a man who built his house on a rock. The rains descended, streams rose, and winds battered the house, but it didn’t fall. The foundation held firm. He compared this to a man who built his house on the sand. Again, rains pummeled the earth, streams overflowed, and winds toppled the house with a crash. The great teacher then warned about metaphorically building a life on solid ground versus shifting sands….

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Tips from the Pros: Jeanette Hanscome

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! What a joy to interview a fellow Bay Area author, an amazing lady I’ve had the privilege to get to know over the years, especially at Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. Jeanette Hanscome is a case-study in humble perseverance, and I’m certain you’ll be inspired by what she has to share! Jeanette, how many books do you have published? What are a few of your latest titles? I have written five books, six if you count the short Christmas story that I wrote for Kathi Macias’s 12 Days of Christmas series as a book….

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Tips from the Pros: Kathy Howard

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the privilege of interviewing acclaimed Bible study teacher Kathy Howard. Kathy is a popular speaker and has penned many Bible study books. Her website also contains a wealth of Bible study aids and plans. Kathy, how many books do you have published? What are a few of your latest titles? Lavish Grace, my seventh book, will be released by New Hope Publishers on August 1. The two previous books, Unshakeable Faith and Embraced by Holiness are also Bible studies.

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Make Money With Free Promotions and Giveaways

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Marketing Tips From Cheri Cowell One of the biggest misconceptions about marketing is the apparent dichotomy between giving things away and making money. Let me say, the biblical concept that the more you give the more you receive applies to marketing as well as to every other part of life. So with that in mind, let’s explore some ways to accomplish this.

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Analyzing the Premise: Basic screenplay writing excerpted from HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL) Part IX

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In every story, the premise can be found by analyzing the story. In the Star Wars trilogy, the evil empire is taking over the universe. A young man who is full of goodness, perseverance, and integrity is forced to fight the empire. He wins. “Good triumphs over evil” is clearly the premise. Every film or television program with that clear–cut premise, “Good triumphs over evil,” tells a different story by proving that premise in a different way. However, it is the process of proving the premise that satisfies the expectations of the audience. Every parable Jesus told through the Bible…

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