“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”—Sir Winston Churchill

Thousands Islands
History still matters today, and with all the revisionist history going around our world—in the media, popular culture, and even in our educational system—we need to be wise. As Churchill wisely warned us, we need to learn from history so we don’t repeat the failures of the past. The historical parts of the Bible are important for that reason. So is our own history.
We can learn so much from the people who lived before us. They shaped and were shaped by the events of their time, and so are we. We can find inspiration from people of the past, but we can also understand the world today if we take the time to connect the dots.
Unfortunately, the subject of history often becomes a list of dates and names so many have turned their backs on it. And that’s where historical fiction fills a void we desperately need filled today.
Historical fiction allows us to explore and experience history in a tangible way. We can catch glimpses of the past through the people who lived it. We can explore the human condition through the story and see history rather than just hear about it. That’s why dramas like Downton Abbey are so popular.
I love learning while being entertained with drama, whether in a novel, TV show, or movie. Moreover, studies prove that when we’re interested in something, like what will happen to our heroine in the novel we read, we’ll remember the historical details that surround it. Readers get to not only enjoy the character’s story but also learn from history, and that’s a win-win.
So whether you read about the kings of Israel, the days of Esther, or the Thousand Islands Gilded Age, never stop learning about history and applying it to your world. If we all did, we’d make a much better world for ourselves and for those who will come.

Katelyn’s Choice

Susan G. Mathis
Susan G. Mathis is vice president of Christian Authors Network and a multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in Upstate New York. Katelyn’s Choice,The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, and Christmas Charity will transport you to a time and place few have visited. Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs, enjoys traveling globally with her husband, Dale, and relishes time with her four adorable granddaughters. Find out more at www.SusanGMathis.com.