Have you ever noticed that many girls are horse-crazy? Through true-life devotionals of her horses, author Rebecca Ondov uses the “Horse Craziness” to share God’s love in a fun way, plant seeds of faith into girls’ hearts, and to help them know that they are treasured by God Himself.
The stories bloom as Rebecca runs an experiment with a foal to see if it would interact with her—while it was still in the womb. And it did! The foal pushed its hooves out the side of the mother’s flank and let the children, who were with Rebecca, pet them.
Rebecca Ondov never grew out of the horse-crazy phase! For fifteen years she worked from the saddle in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of Montana, taking guests on horse pack trips over rugged Rocky Mountain trails, as well as working for the US Forest Service. Her goal with her writing? That her readers Be Inspired with Blazing Faith. Visit her now on her CAN author page: