A Chat with Author Rebecca Ondov

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Davalynn Spencer here, wondering how November showed up so soon. I don’t think I’m ready, but author Rebecca Ondov is with her featured book today, Great Horse Stories for Girls. Welcome, Rebecca, give us the back-cover copy for this book that I would have loved to read growing up. (Okay, still would.) Girls love horses! Horsewoman Rebecca Ondov invites tweens (ages 8 to 12) to enjoy these true horse stories that will help them build confidence in God’s love, make wiser choices, and create stronger friendships, as well as encounter life-changing truths that will help them grow strong spiritually, emotionally,…

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Have you ever noticed that many girls are horse-crazy? Through true-life devotionals of her horses, author Rebecca Ondov uses the “Horse Craziness” to share God’s love in a fun way, plant seeds of faith into girls’ hearts, and to help them know that they are treasured by God Himself. The stories bloom as Rebecca runs an experiment with a foal to see if it would interact with her—while it was still in the womb. And it did! The foal pushed its hooves out the side of the mother’s flank and let the children, who were with Rebecca, pet them.

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Tips From the Pros: Rebecca Ondov

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So, summer is officially over for me. I’m a school administrator by day. When I peel back my shirt and run to the nearest phone booth after work (who has those anymore?), that’s when the big “W” on my chest appears. Super Writer! (There’s got to be a superhero story there somewhere…) As the kiddos languish over the dwindling days of summer and “look forward” to hitting the books again, in whatever form that may take – public, private, or at home – there’s a writer to whom you may wish to introduce them. Particularly if you have girls in your midst….

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