Peggy Cunningham and her husband Chuck have been missionaries in Bolivia, South America, since 1981. In 1999, they founded Rumi Rancho Ministries––their ministry base and home outside the city of Cochabamba where they work with the Quechua people and run a children’s ministry, teaching practical skills to underprivileged children in rural areas while reaching them for Christ. They also work with national churches, equipping them to take the gospel to their people. Peggy contributes to Christian publications regularly. Her story, Stolen Ice Cube, was included in the bestselling romance book, Heart Bouquets (Write Integrity Press). She’s been published in anthologies, magazines, and signed a contract with Pix-N-Pens in 2013 to publisher her three-book children’s picture book series, Really Rare Rabbits. Her new book, a devotional, Dancing Like Bees was released in October 2016 by Write Integrity Press/Pix-N-Pens Publishing. In February 2017, Peggy signed a contract with Write Integrity Press for a four-book children’s storybook series due to release quarterly in 2018. Peggy is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, (AWSA) and Christian Authors Network (CAN).
| Website | Blog | Facebook Page | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads | LinkedIn |
- Web site/blog: www.peggycunningham.com
- Twitter: peggycunningham@inca_writer
- Pinterest: Peggy Cunningham
- LinkedIn: Peggy Cunningham
- Facebook: Peggy Cunningham
- Blog: http://www.peggyspostings.blogspot.com
- http://amazon.com/author/peggycunningham

- Missions topics: various and depending where I’m speaking while in the States
- Children’s topics: ditto above
- Women’s Meetings: God’s Masterpiece—self-esteem
- God’s Faithfulness: Feeling His Feathers
- The Gift of Ministry: using God’s gifts to build up women––also applies to mixed groups