My husband and I recently visited Miami to attend a wedding. One evening while walking outside, I noticed a duck and her six ducklings navigating the parking lot to a grassy spot beside the road.
I couldn’t believe that momma would risk having her babies so close to traffic. But a quick glance told me she had an expanse of water across the road as well as the spectacular bay behind the hotel.
When I got close enough to snap a photo, the little mother eyed me with suspicion as if preparing to attack. She wasn’t afraid.
That reminded me of God’s promise in Psalm 91, “under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.”
I like the thought of resting under God’s wings because we live in a dangerous time. Explosive emotions teeter on the threshold because our culture has abandoned common sense.
God knows the dangers, but just like that duck saw the water, God also knows the opportunities open to us. In fact, he placed us in this time to have an impact on the world around us.
Let’s rest in God’s provision and be as courageous as Mother Duck while sharing our hope with others.
Cynthia L Simmons and her husband reside in Atlanta. A Bible teacher and former home-school mother, she writes a column for Leading Hearts Magazine. She served as past president of Christian Authors Guild, directs Atlanta Christian Writing Conference, and hosts Heart of the Matter Radio. Her author website is
Melissa Henderson
March 18, 2019 - 08 : 50 : 43I love knowing we can rest under God’s wings and His protection. Have a blessed day! Thanks for sharing the photo.