Fascinating Friday Feature – Interview with Diana Leagh Matthews

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Q – What has God called you to do where your first thought may have been “Are you kidding me?”  In 2004, I served a church as minister of music. Over the course of six months, three different people came to me and said, “You should be in the ministry.” I laughed it off.  “Yeah right. God, I’m no preacher.” At the time, I thought being in the ministry meant being a minister. As a PK (preacher’s kid), I knew that wasn’t the life for me. For three years, I fought the calling but the Lord revealed to me that…

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Fascinating Friday Feature with Karin Beery – Most Valuable Lesson Learned Through Writing

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Writing a novel is easy. Writing a good novel that people enjoy and want to share with others is anything but. Based on TV shows and other novels, however, you’d never know that. Fictional novelist Richard Castle somehow managed to write best-selling novels without actually doing much writing. I can’t tell you how many novels I’ve read where a character’s debut novels sell millions, making them instant celebrities without any training or experience. But those authors know better—it’s never that fast or easy. Even though I know fiction isn’t reality, that didn’t stop me from imagining my first manuscript was…

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Fascinating Friday Feature – How Fascination Fuels Sarah Hamaker’s Writing

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I’m often asked where my ideas for my romantic suspense books come from, and the answer isinevitably “everywhere and anywhere.” I’m always collecting ideas on what-if questions basedon current events or something I read or heard. I never know what will spark an idea or plotline.Sometimes, those ideas never go anywhere because once I start thinking through the situation, Irealize it’s not enough for a book or it’s too flimsy. Since I write realistic fiction, I also want the storylines to be believable. I’m more of panster (one who writes without outlining the entire book), so I try to spend…

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A Chat with Author Carol Grace Stratton

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing multi-published author Carol Grace Stratton. Carol’s here to tell us about her latest novel! Welcome, Carol! Please tell us about your book, Deep End of the Lake. Ally Cervantes has all she wants in life—an upcoming wedding, a chance to prove herself with writing gig, and two great kids. But her life turns for the worse when the unexpected happen and she soon finds herself struggling with a rebellious teen daughter, a shaky job, and a shakier engagement. What inspired you to write this book? I know…

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A Chat with Author Ellen Fannon

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https://ellenfannonauthor.com/Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Ellen Fannon, a multi-published author, retired veterinarian, and former foster parent! Ellen’s here to share about her latest novel set, Honor Thy Father. Welcome, Ellen! Please tell us about Honor Thy Father. Honor Thy Father Episodes One and Two is the story of a family torn apart through a series of unfortunate events. The story follows each main character’s life through twenty-five years. When the patriarch of the family needs a life-saving bone marrow transplant, the family must come together and put aside misunderstandings and bitterness. It…

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A Chat with Author Angela Breidenbach

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing author, genealogist, former CAN president, and former Mrs. Montana—Angela Breidenbach! She’s here to share about her latest novel, Song of the Rockies. Welcome, Angela! Please tell us about Song of the Rockies. With no prospects of being a mother, eleven boys landing in her lap created chaos. But when one boy goes missing, and his unexpected father shows up demanding help, can love and hope overcome fear and doubt? A beautiful tale of compassion, mothering, and unexpected love as the Wild West turns toward the new century….

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A Chat with Author PeggySue Wells

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing PeggySue Wells, author of numerous nonfiction and fiction books. She’s here to tell us all about her newest novel, The Patent. Welcome, PeggySue! Please tell us about The Patent. As the world teeters on the verge of World War III, the nation that develops a patent attorney’s invention will be militarily invincible in the race for global dominance. When America’s enemies steal the plans and kidnap the inventor, Marc Wayne must escape before his captors realize the invention is theoretical. Or is it? Ooh! That sounds exciting….

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A Chat with Author Joan C. Benson

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the privilege of interviewing author Joan C. Benson, who is here to share about her new children’s book, co-authored with Marjorie Wingert. Welcome, Joan! Please tell us about your book, God’s ABCs. God’s ABCs may seem like a fun-filled alphabet book with bright illustrations and rhyming text. Yet, it builds an understanding of God’s good plans and purposes for each person’s life. Gender identity is subtly addressed, affirming the concept that our gender is not random or changeable, but designed by God. What inspired you to write this book? God’s ABCs…

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A Chat with Author Linore Rose Burkard

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing award-winning novelist Linore Rose Burkard! Today she’s hear to share about her latest release. Welcome, Linore! Please tell us about your book One Cinderella Night. Emma Benson, a young working girl, is obsessed with worries when her boyfriend recruits her for Mafia dirty work. With her life at stake, she must con a billionaire. When she falls for the guy and can’t go through with the plan, all seems lost. But can a fairy tale ending save the day? Sounds fun! What inspired you to write this…

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A Chat with Author Deb DeArmond

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing Deb DeArmond, who is sharing about her latest book—which is for writers! Welcome, Deb! Please tell us about your book, The Write Calling: Encouragement for the Writer’s Heart. Practical direction and instruction. The work highlights connection, encouragement, tips, and practical insight to equip us to stay the course, which is ultimately priceless. Written by nine authors who have navigated the process well with a total of 20 books published. Our goal for The Write Calling is simple: for readers to discover “encouragement for the writer’s heart” –…

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