Maximizing Marketing When Speaking

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Aloha from Karen Whiting. CAN treasurer I Love speaking to Moms, Women, Writers, and well, anyone who shares similar passions. I also find that there are many ways books get promoted when I speak, beyond the actual time I stand and talk. It starts the moment I get a speaking engagement with the meeting planner letting people know I’ll be coming and my posting the event to my website upcoming appearances. There are several ways to maximize the promotional possibilities.  

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Endings are Beginnings

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Aloha from CAN Treasurer Karen Whiting With one week before my book deadline I’m working on endings-the indexes, appendixes, and final review. But it’s also time to look at beginnings. From the time I thought of the idea for the book I also thought of the marketing and the audiences. As I hand in the book it’s the end of the writing and the real beginning of promoting the book. The book, co-authored with CAN member Jocelyn Green, is Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front of American Wars.  

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We Need to Get Out More

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 Blessings to you from Bonnie Leon. Most days do you stay cloistered in your office with your story ideas flying onto your computer screen or your nose in a research book seeking an imperative piece of information that turns out to be impossible to find? That’s the writing life, but there’s more to living than that. And if you’re not experiencing it you’re missing special pleasures offered to us by our Heavenly Father. There is so much to be gained by engaging in the world around us.

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