Join the Chorus

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  For fourteen years our home in Florida allowed me to escape the bitter Midwest winters. But due to a health crisis, my husband and I are now back in the Midwest, bracing ourselves for some bitter temps. When I look out my kitchen window, I no longer see palm trees standing tall against a clear blue sky. I see a blanket of white on the ground and pine needles laced with snow crystals. I no longer see lizards scurrying across the backyard patio. Instead, I see squirrels gathering nuts for the long months ahead. My environment has changed dramatically,…

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Orchid Beauty

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By Cynthia Simmons “Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary” ( Psalm 96:6). I grow cattellya orchids indoors, and I love to watch the fragile buds swell until they pop so the delicate petals can unfurl a little at a time. Breathtaking! I feel as if I am seeing the hand of God at work. The frilly lip is the last to open, and then a light fragrance tinges the air. The sweet aroma lasts during the day until the flower starts to fade. My favorite orchid produces a spray of five or six…

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NEW RELEASE – Nature Girl—by Karen Whiting

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NATURE GIRL a non-fiction book to share with your daughter. Activities, recipes, science experiments, and much more, Nature Girl offers fun ways to care for God’s creations while enjoying the wonders of nature! Enjoy a spa day with friends and make your own earth-friendly skin care products. Make recycled jewelry or team up to clean a park or a neighbor’s yard…

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Can Bunnies Pray?

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Children’s authors often use animals as the main characters in their stories. Anthropomorphism, also known as personification, is attributing human characteristics to anything other than a human being.

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