Tension And Conflict Part I

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Welcome to CAN’s new website from Gail Gaymer Martin. Today I will begin a new series on Tension and Confict which is a driving force in fiction writing. I hope you enjoy the seven articles on this topic. The Set Up to Tension and Conflict I recently presented a workshop on tension and conflict. The topic offers many steps to writing a good novel. I began this workshop with the basic elements needed to begin a novel because it sets up how conflict begins. Conflict is a concept you know is vital to any story. It is what drives your…

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Write Anyway!

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Hey, this is Sherry Kyle writing from my laptop on my kitchen table as I drink my morning coffee.  As I pondered what to write, I glanced at my mug and was struck by how two little words could have so much impact. Write Anyway!  Yes, that is the slogan printed across my cup. There are so many distractions keeping us from placing our fingers on the keyboard—family responsibilities, chores, friendships, etc. I’m sure your list is as long as mine. Sheesh! How can we get that manuscript complete with so many things pulling us in different directions?

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