Housework vs. Writing Time

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here with a fun story for writers and other creatives who find yourself having to choose between housework and writing… Not all women have it. A few of us were still asleep the morning they handed out the I-love-housework gene. “Dust bunnies are for wimps” became my motto when I discovered dust kangaroos, with families of dust joeys springing out of their pockets every few days to stir up some fun. Because we live in the parsonage and my husband’s desk is a pulpit, I figure I should try to appear neat…

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New 12-Step Program for Authors

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Nutty with a Dash of Meat Jeanette Levellie here to share with you about a new 12-Step Program for Authors: “Hello. Welcome to O.P.A. My name is Jeanette and I am addicted to pens with scented ink, sticky notes, and highlighters.  Let’s go around the circle and say our names—first name only, please, to keep our anonymity—and what types of office products we’re addicted to.”

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Funnies from Court Reporters’ Records

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“Nutty with a Dash of Meat” Jeanette Levellie here, with some funnies from court reporters’ actual records, to emphasize the importance of choosing your words wisely–unless you’re looking for laughs. These quotes are taken from a book entitled Disorder in The Courts by Charles M. Sevilla and Lee Lorenz, copyright 1999, W. W. Norton and Co. ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’ ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you? WITNESS: My name is Susan!

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Chocolate-Inspired Humility

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Hello there from Kathy Collard Miller in the desert of Southern California near Palm Springs. But don’t worry, it’s a dry heat. Talking with a women’s ministry director at a conference, I hoped she would invite me to speak at her women’s retreat. As we sat in the lounge of the convention center, I enjoyed one of the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies set before us. When she asked my opinion on some important ministry issues, I spoke with forceful and confident tones. I was thrilled to see her staring at my mouth, obviously waiting for every word I said….

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Greetings from Golden Keyes Parsons here in East Texas on a drizzly, cold January day. I am always delighted and excited when I am on my way to a speaking engagement, but with the weather we’ve had the past few weeks, along with the rest of the country, I’m rather relieved I don’t have to travel anytime soon. So let’s continue with the last of our Speaker Don’t’s:

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Walk-On and Secondary Characters

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Welcome to the CAN blog and some information about writing fiction from Gail Gaymer Martin at Most writers learn how to create believeable main characters who are usual the man or woman bringing the story to life through their perceptions, emotions and actions, but learning how to use secondary characters is a different process altogether. Numerous characters appear in your novels for realism and to provide a piece of action necessary to move the story forward or to broaden characterization of a main character. These walk-on characters might be referred to as the waiter, clerk, cab driver, mail carrier,…

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