A Listening Ear

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Hi, Sherry Kyle here, writing to you on my laptop from Central California. I prayed fervently on my way to the Capitola Mall on Saturday. The direction of my prayer went something like this, “Please, God, help me to be a listening ear to those who need encouragement coming into Inklings Books & Things. Help me plant a seed for Christ. And if I sell a few books, well, that would be nice too.” I wasn’t nervous or anxious at being the featured author at my neighborhood bookstore. Instead I was eager to see who God would bring my way….

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With Fear and Trembling

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Hello from Jeanette. Today I spent 20 minutes in the backseat of our car with a trembling 50-lb dog. Car rides turn our pit mix, Belle, into a spineless mutt. They trigger memories of shots and other unpleasant vet visits. I assured Belle that we were only going to PetSmart to get her nails trimmed but she continued to squeal and pace, starring helplessly out the window, silently pleading to passersby, “Help me! I’m on my way to the manicurist. It’s so scary there.” I teased Belle about being a big baby, reminded her of her bread, but nothing worked….

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