With Thanksgiving

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  Anxiety is running high these days—riots in the streets, political confusion, and a silent virus  infecting the world. It’s enough to make anyone lose sleep. But Jesus reminds us to cast all our cares on him (1 Peter 5:7). He also invites us to ask for anything in His name (John 14:14), and He will grant it. In a world that seems hopeless, Jesus is our hope. In a world that seems helpless, He is our helper. In a world of anxiety, He is our peace. As I’m reading Bible verses and devotions to help me listen to God,…

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Living in Joy Is a Choice

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I was just eighteen when I landed my dream job writing for our local newspaper during college. After graduation I joined the full-time staff, covering news stories and writing special features and a weekly column where I shared my Christian convictions. This brought invitations to speak for church and civic events. What wisdom did a twenty-something have to share? My favorite presentation, “Living in Joy,” I packed with quotes and Scriptures about happiness and how to find it. Being young and eager to tackle life’s big questions, I didn’t have much spiritual depth—but I offered a solid solution to every…

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­­­­ Therefore, do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil (Romans 14:16). Upon my recent retirement from a demanding leadership position, I found myself nearly paralyzed with fear. So many “I never thought I’d…” statements danced chaotically through my mind, robbing me of peace. Unbidden, my long-since-settled divorce reared its ugly head, reminding me of all of the losses I’ve incurred. My ideal picture of retirement had always included a husband, a family, and grandbabies. The real picture of my solitary leap into the golden years stood in sharp contrast before me, filling…

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Portable Edens

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In Bible study on the Book of Exodus, our lecturer said the Ark of the Covenant was a “portable Eden.” It was a gold box God told the Hebrews to create so He could once again dwell among His nomadic people on earth and be in covenant with them as they traveled. Once the temple in Jerusalem was built, God then dwelled there, in the midst of the land He’d promised them. It became “Eden.” That talk sent a flutter through my chest. Why? Paul told the Corinthians that their bodies were the temple since the one in Jerusalem had…

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Guard Our Emotions, Lord!

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Several years ago, I was experiencing a season of hardships. The emotional pressure in my life had escalated – facing deadline upon deadline, bad medical news, grief over my father’s death, plus the daily stress of church leadership and family responsibilities. I sat in my doctor’s office in tears. All I wanted to do was escape, and drive to the beach to spend time with God. Only by talking to God, and having Him talk to me through the Word would salve this pain. I knew that I would be okay if I could just get to the beach and…

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Strength for the Modern Victorian Woman

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 Here’s what the Savior has to say to you today. “Beloved, come to me, you who work so hard that you’re weary. Your responsibility and needs wear you down. However, it doesn’t cost a single cent to gain a hearing with me. You can pour out your troubles to me anytime. Tell me of your fears and sadness. My love for you is free of charge, unconditional, and everlasting.” Today’s Bible Reading: Isaiah 50:1; Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 13:8 Thoughts of Monday morning carry with them negative connotations. Why? We know Monday is coming all weekend and yet we’re so bummed…

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Sunday Reflection: The Kiss

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One the wall of our bedroom is a beautiful portrait taken by a well known photographer.  The photo is black and white then recolorized to highlight certain aspects of the portrait. The picture is of Bill and me. In the photo you can’t see our faces because I am wearing a hat, but you can tell, it was a kiss of love. How? In the photo, I am standing on my tippie toes reaching up to give Bill a kiss. That peck was apparently was so amazing that it caused Bill to rock back on his heels. (I think this…

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Life’s Crazy Pace

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  “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I’m reevaluating the pace of my life, my priorities, and how I use my time. What’s really, really important? Yes, there are expectations, obligations, and demands that try to push and pull me in all kinds of directions, but what is an appropriately paced life? While I know that my gifts will make space for me, there is a season for everything. Yet I also know that I need to manage that space. So what does that look like for me—and for you?…

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Clouds and Sunsets

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I love the ever-changing colors and textures of a sunset. There’s something so peaceful about it, almost as if the day exhales its worry and stress in preparation for the night. Maybe that’s why the best sunsets include clouds, those masses of water vapor we usually associate with storms. In fact, some of the most beautiful sunsets happen in the aftermath of a storm when the abundance of cloud surfaces all reflect the varying hues of light as the sun slips below the horizon. Several decades have passed since I took my first airplane ride, but I still remember that…

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Tips to live a satisfied life

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Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome God doesn’t promise a day without problems, or moments without trials, but aligned with Him,  He promises a satisfied soul. Two days ago, even my keyboard felt sticky. The air conditioner decided to stop working. And, in the Florida summer heat, my energy was melting into drops of worry. What if we need to repair the whole thing, what if there is no fix for days? How will this affect my parents who live with us and just reached their mid-80’s?

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