Tips to live a satisfied life

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Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome God doesn’t promise a day without problems, or moments without trials, but aligned with Him,  He promises a satisfied soul. Two days ago, even my keyboard felt sticky. The air conditioner decided to stop working. And, in the Florida summer heat, my energy was melting into drops of worry. What if we need to repair the whole thing, what if there is no fix for days? How will this affect my parents who live with us and just reached their mid-80’s?

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Running on fumes

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  This past Sunday, my hubby and I headed to the beach to visit friends and catch some sun rays. But the trip turned cold when the display on the dash showed we had 14 miles before empty. Gulp. Nothing but highway ahead. The 14 soon turned to 10. We prayed. Then the indicator turned to 5. Then 2. No gas stations, or exits anywhere either. Finally, the displayed showed zero miles. That’s when I swallowed what I might have said and instead spoke softly. “Honey, God still works miracles.” I fidgeted in my seat. “A gas station will appear…

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Seven Ways to Conquer Fear

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“You have to go to school,” my father ordered. My 12-year-old heart beat fast with worry. Just off the airplane from Bolivia, I knew no English. And America was too big, too different, and strange. Weeks of anxiety at school made the adjustment harder. But what paralyzed me with fear were the relay races in which I was told to participate. The distance I’d have to run between the starting point and the next runner where I’d hand off the baton made my stomach cramp. With each new race, I anguished—what if I should stumble or drop the baton? What…

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