Tips to live a satisfied life

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Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome God doesn’t promise a day without problems, or moments without trials, but aligned with Him,  He promises a satisfied soul. Two days ago, even my keyboard felt sticky. The air conditioner decided to stop working. And, in the Florida summer heat, my energy was melting into drops of worry. What if we need to repair the whole thing, what if there is no fix for days? How will this affect my parents who live with us and just reached their mid-80’s?

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Getting Past Row 1

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Jeanette here, squeezing blogging between writing, Christmas shopping, practicing for the church choir’s Christmas concert, and crocheting scarves for friends and family. And you guessed it: I came up with a writing-related illustration while weaving my favorite crochet needle through some soft deep purple yarn.

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