Speaking Engagements – Pitching Your Program

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Hi.  Winnie Griggs here, with the next installment in my posts about speaking engagements.  So far we’ve covered why book speaking engagements, dealing with butterflies, selecting a topic, creating a speaker resume and finding speaking venues.  Today we’re going to talk about how to actually pitch your talk. Once you have selected your topic, have your resume together and have located possible speaking opportunities, how do you let folks know you’re ready and willing? Well, first you need to make certain you can effectively convey what it is you’re offering.  You do this in two steps:

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Speaking Engagements – Creating A Speaker Resume

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Hi.  Winnie Griggs here again with the next installment in my posts about speaking engagements.  So far we’ve covered why book speaking engagements, dealing with butterflies and selecting a topic.  Today we’re going to talk about creating your speaker’s resume. Why is that necessary?  Well a speaker resume is a great tool for growing your opportunities to secure better speaking engagements.   And coordinators for conferences and workshops, who often get flooded with applications and proposals, will use this document to evaluate the potential speakers against each others and against their particular needs.  This may be the ONLY tool they use…

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