When Something Happens

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Hello, again!  Maureen Pratt here for my monthly blog post. And what a month it’s becoming! No doubt many of you have multiple works in progress gracing your keyboards, computer screens, notebooks, and imaginations. Some deadlines, too. The life of a working writer. And then…something happens. How do we handle health and other emergencies and keep our writing in mind and heart, too? We are writers, after all, and writers, well, we write. As I write this, I am in the midst of a significant family emergency. One minute, I was working on a new magazine article, and hours later,…

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Does life have you running at a dizzying pace? Mine does. In fact, I didn’t realize how busy I was
until this past Saturday morning when I experienced vertigo.

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Sherry Kyle here, sending you greetings from Central California.  As writers we can become discouraged. Day after day we sit alone by our computers attempting to fill the screen with meaningful words. We receive many rejections before the acceptance call finally arrives. And often times we wonder if our writing is good enough. What can we do during the discouraging times?

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Writer’s Treasure

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Hi! It’s Sherry Kyle writing from Central California.  As I was considering how I could encourage you today in your writing journey, my thoughts turned toward Scripture. There is no better way to keep our eyes and hearts focused on God than to point to the Bible, the best-selling book of all time. Here are some verses to treasure as you write for Him:

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Organization To Do

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    My article last month was titled Organization to go. Wouldn’t it be nice if things were that simple? Organization could be handed to us the same way we’re able to get our clothes from the dry cleaners, fast food from McDonald’s, and prescriptions from Walgreens. But it’s not that simple. We have to work for it.  As mentioned in last month’s article, we all have the same twenty-four hours in a day. Have you ever been amazed at how some people can get so much done during the day? I’m a big fan of to do lists and…

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A Writer’s Spiritual Well

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Jan, writing to you from my desk in the foothills of the California Sierras. As I’m enjoying a cooler day after an unseasonably warm weekend, I’m thinking about the writer’s spiritual wells. When I hover my mouse over my word-processing icon on my computer desktop, it says, “Abide in me and I in you for apart from Me you can do nothing”–from John 15:5. Sometimes I chase ahead in my busyness without abiding; it’s not long before I feel the drain. As writers we fill our wells in many ways. Over the years, I have either bought or been given books that help fill my…

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