“Brilliance in a bottle”

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Hello! And a very Merry Christmas to you! Maureen Pratt here for my monthly blog which, this year, just happens to fall a couple of days after one of my favorite holidays – you guessed it – Christmas! What I especially love about Christmas is that we get to bring out many of our dearly-held traditions. Whether it’s in baking, decorating, music, or Scripture study “what was old is new again” as we celebrate the Season. How does this relate to writing? Well, it reminds me that sometimes I miss “old” traditions of the authorial kind. Writing long-hand, for example,…

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Conference Blessings

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Aloha from the CAN Treasurer Karen Whiting          I recently returned from the Florida Christian Writer’s Conference and know many friends will be leaving this week for the Mount Hermon Writers Conference in California. These are two large conferences with many editors and writers attending. Conferences have shaped my writing career.

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