Hello from Kathy Collard Miller in the Southern California desert where it’s finally cooling down!
It was so hot that even the bees were dropping like flies. In our desert area of Southern California, my husband, Larry, and I get used to the soaring summer heat and we thought the insects would too. But we kept finding dead bees by our front door. We thought, “Can’t do anything about it and it can’t be anything too serious,” so we just ignored the strange phenomenon. Until we also noticed a dark spot on the wall near the ceiling—a wall that was close to the front door.
We called pest control and they checked the attic. The truth was revealed. Bees had taken up residence in our attic, having gained entrance through a small hole in the roof. The honey from the hive had started leaking into the wall.
And the dead bees on our walkway?
That was how bees clean out the hive. They push their dead comrades out and they tumble to the ground. The mystery was solved and what could have brought serious damage to our house was averted.
The same thing happens with temptation. Even though there are signs that we are being tempted, we don’t consider them serious. We ignore them. Then we give into the temptation and the sin takes residence. Maybe too late, we realize that the seemingly benign signs are actually indications of temptation and future consequences. We need to quickly recognize Satan’s suggestions and if we succumb, confess our sin. But if we can clean out the “hive” first by removing the sources of temptation, that’s the best way.

Never Ever Be The Same by Kathy Collard Miller
James 1:14-15 warns us of a dangerous “hive” taking up residence! “But people are tempted when their own evil desire leads them away and traps them. This desire leads to sin, and then the sin grows and brings death.” (NCR).
We must recognize that our evil desire indicates we aren’t trusting God. We’re saying our desire is better than God’s plan and then we insist on our own way. But we can resist by reminding ourselves that God will provide everything good for us. We don’t have to force it to happen ourselves.
Let’s pay attention when there are dead bees at the front door.