Hola from Janet Perez Eckles…Igniting Your Passion to Overcome
A friend I knew from high school came to visit recently. As we sipped tea, we laughed about our days as teens.
But then she got a bit serious and said, “You know, when you broke up with my brother, he was devastated.”
Guilt came over me. I remembered the details of dating him. And for reasons only a 16-year-old immature girl knows, I ended the relationship in an insensitive and abrupt way.
We chatted about more details. As I continued to sip my tea and fidget in my seat I forced a smile. “I was a foolish teenager,” I said, “my values were all messed up and I was a bundle of immature emotions.”
A lame excuse, yet even at 16-years-old, I must have caused her brother hurt, wounds and the pain of rejection.
Years later, similar emotions slammed into my own life when I faced rejections on a different scale. And as this young boyfriend, I had to overcome discouraging feelings and move beyond it in order to avoid defeat.
And on the journey, I gathered wise boldness. I found three important secrets to live, to thrive and dance as we learn to overcome rejection.
- Recognize the rejection as a redirection for God’s plans to be fulfilled. As authors, our submissions sometimes meet painful rejections. They’re painful because we put all our expectations on receiving an enthusiastic acceptance. But know man‘s rejection is a match to God’s redirection to the path He tailored and designed for us.
- Remember each rejection is a stepping stone to building strength, perseverance, and character. And when success comes, we’re equipped to relish in triumph.
- Resolve to put emotions in their place. Negative emotions are the enemy’s weapons to weaken us, discourage and defeat us.
And that is how Joshua might have felt as he faced a new position of leadership. Possible discouragement, fear, defeat, and rejection awaited him. But God said to him the same He says to us today: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 ).
Father, if you’re with me, what rejection should I fear? When you command me to be courageous, I know you will provide the strength; you will guide the way, and bring opportunities that will shine in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- What rejection has darkened your days lately?
- Which of God’s promises speaks to you?
- What truths do you store in your heart as you resolve to move forward?

Simply Salsa, Amazon Best-selling book
Before Janet Perez Eckles became an international speaker, No. 1 Amazon best-selling author, life coach, master interpreter, life coach and radio host, she faced complete blindness at 31 and endured other devastating tragedies.
And because of God’s grace, her days shine with victory, success and joy. This triumph translates into the empowerment and transformational message she imparts in her books and her presentations internationally before thousands. Want to know more? Here’s a 2-minute video for you to enjoy. And please visit Janet’s website.
Contagious Courage: Your 30-day Guide to Triumph During Dark Times