Goodness gracious, how can that happen? In all the years of hosting friends in my home, I never had an embarrassing moment like this.
For my gathering last Sunday afternoon, I prepared my favorite, delicious dessert. In a large, glass bowl, I layered pieces of yummy, sweet stuff.
In the midst of the ooh’s and aah’s after each bite, a guest who arrived a little late made her way to the counter where my beautiful display sat. But to my horror and her disappointment, the bowl was empty. Gulp.
You’ve been there, haven’t you? You go to find more satisfaction in the job you once loved, and it’s gone. You think your kids will adore you all your life, yet their admiration ends. You think you can count on the person who gave you a forever-commitment, but he says good-bye instead. When you plan great things, illness cancels it all. And when you come to a point of your life where your mouth waters for a delicious time of contentment, joy, and peace, the bowl is empty.
God knows that will happen. So He prepared the dessert of all desserts. That’s why when all stuff we counted as wonderful, beautiful, and delicious disappears God’s love that never ends is still vibrant. His power is still strong. His provision is still ours. His peace still soothes each lonely night. And His joy still dances in our soul.
When we dip our spoon in the empty bowl of life, our heart will sing: “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.” And we’ll rejoice knowing God declares “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness” (Deut. 33:27, Jer. 31:3).
Father, thank you for your everlasting arms that hold me tight. They will hug me when loved ones leave. When health wanes. When friends say good-bye. And when loneliness tries to end my joy. Your never-ending love will cover each sad, disappointing moment. In Jesus’s name, amen.
- What disappointment invaded your life lately?
- How does His love cure your loneliness?
- Where is His provision displayed in your life?

Cheering you on to experience life, harvest its lessons and share their outcome.
Author #1 bestselling book, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta