Next in a series of posts featuring the winners of the 2023 Christian Authors Network (CAN) Excellence in Marketing Awards. Michelle S. Lazurek won second place in the nonfiction Broadcast Media category.
The 2024 marketing awards will open in November 2023. CAN members, please be thinking of how you can enter the awards. See the guidelines at
Using Broadcast Media
by Michelle S. Lazurek
Congratulations on winning second place in Outstanding Broadcast Media, Michelle!
What book were you marketing?
I Surrender All (Sort Of), a Christian living book by Michelle S. Lazurek
What was the goal of your marketing campaign?
I have known, since I began my writing career, that I am weakest in marketing. It has always felt like throwing a bunch of darts at a dartboard, hoping something hits the bullseye. I made a resolution to myself that I wanted to participate in as much marketing as I could. My ultimate goal was to build a strong set of marketing strategies that would not only make this book successful, but also would bode well for me for other book launches as well.
So many authors can relate. Many of us would rather be writing than marketing.
How did you decide what activities to include?
I conducted my marketing in three areas: podcasts, my email list and social media. Although only the podcasts counted toward this award, I wanted to utilize strategies that would produce results. I also did not have much money to invest in a campaign so I looked for cheap ways to market.
What was your favorite aspect of your marketing campaign? Why?
Although I participated in 26 podcasts (8 in the launch month) I learned I really enjoy the genre. When I was in college, I majored in communications because I wanted to be a radio DJ! My life took a different turn and I didn’t do that, but podcasting reminds me of my college years when I did a radio show at my college. I’m on a podcast team now called Faith Over Fear, as a part of the Wholly Loved ministry because I loved participating in them so much.
That’s terrific! What results surprised you the most?
Although the campaign didn’t yield the results I wanted, I did hire Sarah Geringer to conduct a book launch for the book prior to the book’s release. I gave her the idea of managing book launches for other authors and she is doing that now as a result. She’s doing a great job!
What new skills did you need to learn for your efforts to succeed?
I had to create my own questions and press kits for the podcasts. I also had to email people I knew who ran podcasts to pitch my idea of coming on the show.
How did you determine the return on investment?
My sales total at the end of the fall was almost 700 copies. I didn’t make much money but believing that God used my book to help people learn how to surrender as well as destigmatize mental illness is worth more than money to me.
Truly a worthwhile topic. What marketing advice would you offer other writers?
Do what feels right for you. Marketing can be tedious and even with the best efforts, may not yield a bestselling book. Because it is a necessary part of an author’s life, find the marketing techniques you enjoy and stick with it. With perseverance, you will get your book in the right hands.

Michelle S. Lazurek
Great advice, Michelle. Thank you. How can readers learn more about you and your writing?
My website will tell you more.