Catherine Finger
I realized recently that a few of my favorite things and creatures have names beginning with the letter C. A fine example is Capsized by Death, the fourth of my Jo Oliver thrillers releasing Dec. 2, 2019.
My dog’s name is Christie—short for “Christie, The Christmas Pup.” Well into her eleventh year, we’ve been a tight team since she first crawled up my leg like a little kitten when she was six weeks old. She rocked my world in the earliest days of a long period of pain in my life. Experiencing her little heartbeat and loving personality remains a sweet blessing.
My horse’s name is Clara—she came already named. Meeting Clara truly was a love at first sight experience. If you’ve never been in love with a horse before, I highly recommend it. Horses invite you into a slower, surer world with gentle, knowing eyes and whisper soft muzzles. You can’t be in tune with your horse if your mind, heart, or soul is divided. They have a miraculous way of bringing balance and peace amid a noisy, fractured world.
Last but not least, comes Cosmo—my pint-sized camper. Cosmo is cool. He provides a sense of safety, and the promise of adventure, without breaking a sweat. He’s an easy to maneuver home on wheels, making it easy for the aforementioned C’s, as I travel around the country seeking adventure, competing at horse shows, attending conferences, and discovering the occasional independent bookstore. Sure, he has a lot of parts, and he can be rather cranky and complicated (usually late at night during inclement weather.) Other than that, he’s the perfect gentleman.
How about you? I’d love to hear about a few of your favorite things…