by Judith Couchman
At some point in a writing career, most authors entertain the idea of getting away to write. We think about peace, quiet, focus, solitude. No interruptions. And the beauty of working in a seaside condo or a woodland cabin.
Sounds wonderful, right?
It can be. Or it can balloon into disappointment. It depends on how we prepare for it. Yes, prepare. Prepare by setting guidelines for an enjoyable writing venture.
Guidelines can sound like knocking the romance out of a get-away dream. However, if we adopt a laissez faire approach to a writing trip, we can wind up spending too much time watching television, calling up friends, taking long naps, or living at the beach. None of these activities need to be eliminated, but kept in balance related to getting the work done.
- Truly change your location.
- Go alone.
- Prepare your family and friends.
- Clear internal conflicts.
- Create media and phone boundaries.
- Set goals.
- Make a schedule.
- Don’t take “just in case” work.
- Get outside the room.
- Eat healthy food.
- Rest and take breaks.
- Pray.