Anne Green delights in writing about alpha heroes who aren’t afraid to fall on their knees in prayer, and about gutsy heroines. Her Women of Courage Series spotlights heroic women of World War II. The first book is ANGEL WITH STEEL WINGS. Her private investigating series, Handcuffed In Texas, includes HOLLY GARDEN, PI, RED IS FOR ROOKIE. A visit to Scotland resulted in her award-winning Scottish historical romances, MASQUERADE MARRIAGE and MARRIAGE BY ARRANGEMENT. A TEXAS CHRISTMAS MYSTERY also won awards.
Anne makes her home in McKinney, Texas. Visit Anne at www.AnneGreeneAuthor.com, at www.anneswritingupdates.blogspot.com, and at www.facebook.com/AnneWGreeneAuthor. On Twitter @TheAnneGreene, On Pinterest at The Anne Greene, and on Book Fun Magazine at www.bookfun.org./profileAnneGreene. On the 14th day of each month, visit with Anne at www.hhhistory.com. Anne’s love of sailing, horseback riding, history and art, as well as her Plano Police Academy training and her military life, often show up in her books. Anne’s highest hope is that her stories transport the reader to awesome new worlds and touch their hearts. To learn more of Anne and to view her art as well as pictures from her extensive travel, visit her at AnneGreeneAuthor.com.
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