Bound By Grace by Amber Stockton
A letter from a gentleman in Claymont who is seeking books Charlotte Pringle carries in her book shop piques her interest. The desire to provide his niece, Grace, with more classic titles keeps Richard Baxton returning to see Charlotte again and again. Charlotte is attracted to his sweet spot for his niece, as well as the niece’s recent leg injury that has her wheelchair bound, awaiting an expensive operation. But Charlotte’s father disrupts their idyllic relationship by announcing he’s been working on a marriage arrangement to secure her future. Before Richard can make a viable offer for her hand, a family business emergency forces him to return home. Feeling abandoned, Charlotte believes she has no choice but to accept her father’s plans. Richard despairs over the loss of the woman he’s come to love. It’s his niece who persuades him to fight.
This New Release information was uploaded by Cecelia Dowdy. Happy reading!