Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the joy of interviewing one of CAN’s newest members, Michelle Medlock Adams. Michelle has written over eighty books for children and for adults. With her award-winning background in journalism, she’s written many biographies for celebrities as well. I think you’ll enjoy what she has to share!
Welcome, Michelle! Please tell us about your new book, Platinum Faith.
Platinum exemplifies some of the most rare, useful qualities of all metals. In Platinum Faith, we highlight twelve platinum properties and how they relate to our walk of faith. More specifically, we delve into how they parallel our divine calling, our eternal value, and the unlimited love God has for us.
Great concept! What inspired you to write this book?
When Bethany Jett and I started our literary business, we chose the name Platinum Literary—not because we’re both blondes, but rather because platinum is a remarkable precious metal. The more we researched it, the more we liked our name choice, which eventually led us to writing our first book together, Platinum Faith.

Platinum Faith by Michelle Medlock Adams
What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
That Platinum Faith doesn’t mean perfect faith; it just means “all-in” faith. Though we might not walk in platinum faith every day, the Bible assures us that we all have a measure of faith, which means we all have the potential to grow our faith. And, if there was ever a time in history that we needed to be filled up and ready to walk in our callings, it’s now.
So true. What’s your favorite section of this book?
The chapter that features “The Comparison Trap”… In it, we talk about how one calling isn’t more special than the others. Sure, one might be more behind the scenes than the other, but both callings are useful to God. 1 Corinthians 12: 14-27 – Each one of us serves a different purpose. Each one of us is part of the body of Christ. And, each one of us is useful. But in order to be useful for God, we have to understand and accept our calling, and then we have to step out of our comfort zones and let God use us in great and mighty ways. That’s why we can’t fall into that comparison trap. Instead of comparing your calling to your flashy friend’s calling, celebrate her calling! Rejoice that God is using her in such a dynamic way!
When you can finally do that with a genuine heart, you might find that God is also using you in some amazing ways and now that your attention is on Him, you can focus on His calling for your life.
Yes! My small group was just talking about the importance of the variety of gifts God gives us. Do you find yourself returning to certain themes again and again in your writing?
Whether I’m writing for children or women, I always weave encouragement and hope into each book.
Tell us about your most touching moment with a reader.
I had a daddy (who is also a pastor) tell me that my children’s book, I Will Not Be Afraid (Concordia Publishing) changed his daughter’s life. She had been suffering from severe anxiety and couldn’t sleep at all until they started reading my book each night. I remember thinking, “If I just wrote I Will Not Be Afraid so that that little girl could get freedom from her horrible anxiety, then that would be enough.” That’s why we do what we do, isn’t it?
Also, just recently I was signing copies of my books after a speaking engagement, and a woman brought up a copy of Platinum Faith that was all marked up and highlighted and explained that she’d purchased that copy for her daughter a week ago and that her daughter was already using it as a Bible study tool. It was well loved, and that really touched my heart, the fact that God could use a book I’d help write in such a profound way. It’s so humbling. I am so grateful.
What a wonderful story! What talents do you have aside from storytelling?
I have always taught fitness—especially cardio dance and Zumba so I’m a pretty good dancer. Or at least I think I am, lol.
Yes! I relate. Do you have a “day job” or a previous career? Does it influence what or how you write?
Yes, I used to be a sportswriter. Having worked as a daily newspaper reporter has definitely shaped my writing career. It was great training! It helped me learn to write fast and tight, hit deadlines, and interview all different kinds of people.
Do you have pets and do they inspire your writing or hinder it?
We have two cats—Mia and Motley, and we have two dogs—a rescue lab/greyhound mix named Bella Marie and an adorable long-haired dachshund named Mollie Mae. I find myself writing about my pets quite often, actually. They give me lots of great material for my speaking and my writing! Of course, when Motley stretches out over the top of my keyboard and insists I pet him, that can be a bit hindering…
My cat has “edited” some of my books, so I understand. What are your hobbies or activities or passions outside of writing?
I love to go bass fishing with my husband. We bought a bass boat to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary a few years ago, and we’ve been having the best time, fishing various lakes throughout the U.S. It’s so much fun!
We practice catch & release mostly.
I also love Doris Day movies and Hallmark Christmas movies. I watch them year round.
What fun! Please tell us about your next project.
Our next project is a devotional that actually debuts Nov. 19th of this year—it’s called They Call Me Mom (Kregel). We aren’t just writing about motherhood, we are living it! Full of shared mom experiences, humor and hope, They Call Me Mom is the perfect resource for any stage a mom might be in, from raising newborn, to toddlers, teens and beyond. We hope our weekly devotional will inspire, encourage and help all moms feel, that no matter, they are never alone.
Sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us, Michelle.
To learn more about Michelle’s books and ministry, please visit Michelle’s website and Michelle’s blog.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin