Dianne Barker
Dianne Barker here wondering…what’s keeping you from moving forward? Could you be paralyzed by fear?
Many years ago when my children were young, they were frightened by a television program and asked me how God would protect us if danger threatened.
I admitted I didn’t know how he would do it, but I was certain he would.
As proof I told them a story. The Israelites found themselves caught between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea with no way out. God sent a strong east wind to divide the waters, forming a wall of water to the right and left. The Israelites—maybe two-and-a-half million or more—crossed the sea on dry ground.
When the Egyptians pursued, the walls of water collapsed, swallowing Pharaoh and his army. Not one of them survived (Exodus 14:20-31).
My children thought it was a fantastic story…and so do I. Relating it probably did more for me than for them.
Fear paralyzes. If I let myself pause too long to think about the realities, as my then four-year-old son said, it would scare my heart out!
But believing God is sovereign gives me confidence to move forward. He controls the universe and our lives. Nothing happens without his permission, and everything happens for a purpose.
He doesn’t intend for his beloved children to spend our lives paralyzed by fear. He intends for us to trust him.
“Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 30:25).
“I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fear” (Psalm 34:4).
Don’t let fear of failure keep you frozen in place. The Lord has work for us to do. We know he’s chosen us for a task. We know his grace and strength are sufficient. We know he is with us. What else do we need?
Running shoes! Wait a minute till I get mine on. We’re in this together!
Dianne Barker is a speaker, radio host, and author of 11 books, including the best-selling Twice Pardoned and award-winning I Don’t Chase the Garbage Truck Down the Street in My Bathrobe Anymore! Organizing for the Maximum Life. Post adapted from Cabbages and Kings—Reflections on Living Abundantly in Christ. She’s a member of Christian Authors Network, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and Christian Women in Media. Visit www.diannebarker.com.