Grace Fox here with a thought that's been on my mind lately.
Hebrews 7:25 encourages me, especially on days when I’m frustrated, discouraged, or doubt-filled. It says, “Therefore he (Jesus) is able once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.”
The thought of Jesus praying on His followers’ behalf excites me! My hunch is that He prays a lot more than, “God, please bless So-and-So today.” My sanctified imagination tells me His requests sound like…
- “Please grant them a hunger and thirst for righteousness.”
- “Please cause them to seek for wisdom as for hidden treasures.”
- “Please cause them to love You with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.”
- “Please enable them to love mercy, do justly, and walk humbly with You.”
- “When they feel anxious, grant them the ability to focus on You and experience peace that passes understanding.”
With Jesus interceding for us, we have no reason to fear or flounder. We can approach life with confidence, hope, and joy. This holds true in every aspect our lives, including our role as writers and speakers.
Here’s what comes to mind in that context. Imagine Jesus interceding with words such as…
- “Grant My messengers creativity as they write.”
- “Please give them the ability to communicate clearly on the written page and the public stage.”
- “Use the words they write to meet readers at their deepest point of need.”
- “Accomplish Your will. Open doors with the publishers of Your choice, arrange necessary networks, and supply funds for publicity, marketing, traveling, attending conferences—whatever’s needed to raise awareness of the message You want told.”
The next time we face writers’ block or receive a rejection letter, let’s remember that Jesus is interceding for us as we pursue our God-given calling. We’re on His mind and in His heart. He knows our needs, and He’s bringing those needs to His Father.
I find that truth amazing. How does the knowledge that Jesus is interceding on your behalf impact you?
Check out my devotional blog posted on Mondays and Wednesdays!
Heather Marsten
January 17, 2012 - 08 : 54 : 18Nice post. You are right, He does pray for us and that is an encouragement. What is even better is, He knows what is best to pray for us. Have a blessed day.