Carol McAdams Moore
A Note from Carol McAdams Moore
Today, let’s wrap up a three part series on Pinterest. We began with an overview of Pinterest. Then we talked about the basics of setting up Pinterest boards.
Today, let’s talk about keeping your Pinterest boards fresh. Below is a check list to guide the author in doing that.
Keep boards that represent your new releases, speaking engagements, and blog posts current.
Remember that many people follow Pinterest. Your Pinterest followers may or may not be the ones who are friends on Facebook or who follow you on Twitter. Keeping your most recent online and in person activities on your Pinterest boards helps everyone to stay on top of what you are doing.
Consider adding the same pin to multiple boards.
For example, a pin about a blog post about finding a devotional for struggling readers might be pinned on your board of blog posts, your board for children’s ministry ideas, and your board for finding good books for children, etc. If you pin something on multiple boards, be sure to add them over time and not at one sitting. That way, the pins are seen by more people through the general feed.
Arrange your boards in the order of importance for your followers.
Place the board that are most critical for your followers to see at the top of your boards. The order of your boards is easy to arrange by clicking on a board and dragging it to the place it should be.
Assess the general appearance of your boards.
If a holiday is approaching (such as the Fourth of July), think about changing the covers of your boards to pins of red, white, or blue. The initial appearance with be current and seasonal, drawing your followers to spend more time exploring your boards.
What tips do you have for using Pinterest? I hope that you will share some of your ideas with us.