Happy 1st Monday of the week (and year) from Dianne Neal Matthews! In the past, I’ve felt inspired by Karen Whiting and others who shared how they ask God to give them “theme” or mission verses at the beginning of each new year. So a few days ago, I decided to follow their example. A Scripture passage rushed into my thoughts before I even finished the prayer. When I returned home last night from a holiday visit with my parents, I sensed God confirming His choice for my 2010 theme verse. I discovered that Kathi Macias used the same passage in her excellent weekly devotional last Thursday.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV) When God brought these familiar verses into my mind, I immediately saw how the verses fit my personal life. Like so many people, I struggle with past disappointments and failures that drag me down and hold me back. What a blessing it would be to leave behind these heavy weights and live in full anticipation of what God has in store for the future.
As I meditated on how to also apply these verses to writing and speaking, God gave me another application. This morning my husband was laid off. So it looks like we’ll be leaving behind his paycheck and the best insurance coverage we’ve ever had, and “pressing on” toward who-knows-what. But still I have high hopes for 2010—that I will be able to fix my eyes on God and trust him to take care of my family, my writing career, my finances, my past, and my present circumstances. And that I will remember to forget the things that need to be left behind as I press forward wherever He leads.
Karen Robbins
January 5, 2010 - 07 : 00 : 37Great verse, Dianne! I needed to remember that today. My hubby’s favorite line whenever he lost a job was “whenever God closes a door He always opens another–or sometimes a window” and most often it was to somethin better.