Three keys to help claim God’s miracles

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“Nana,” my 4-year-old granddaughter ran to me. I got on one knee and spread my arms wide to catch her dainty body. I lift her up, hug her tight, twirl her around and we both squeal with joy. That’s our usual greeting. But not today. She snuggled in her daddy’s arms. Her voice faint and her forehead burning. I placed her on my bed. Her body limp and her thin arms dropped to the side like a rag-doll. I spread a wet washcloth across her forehead and whispered in her ear. “Nana is here, I’ll take care of you.” But…

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Pressing Forward

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Happy 1st Monday of the week (and year) from Dianne Neal Matthews! In the past, I’ve felt inspired by Karen Whiting and others who shared how they ask God to give them “theme” or mission verses at the beginning of each new year. So a few days ago, I decided to follow their example. A Scripture passage rushed into my thoughts before I even finished the prayer. When I returned home last night from a holiday visit with my parents, I sensed God confirming His choice for my 2010 theme verse. I discovered that Kathi Macias used the same passage…

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When Words Won’t Work

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Hello from CAN Secretary Jeanette Hanscome. Like most CAN members, my writing life is often complicated by . . . well . . . life. As I write, edit, and teach I am also dealing with some stuff that will eventually provide riveting material for a novel or devotional book but for now is just plain discouraging and frustrating. As if the circumstance wasn’t upsetting enough on its own, I’ve also had to accept that I can’t do anything now but pray. I’ve argued, debated, and spoken the truth in love only to discover that my gift for words will…

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