Many among our Christian Author Network have been seen and heard; spotted out and about spreading the word on their books, their message, and most importantly, the love and provision of our precious Father.
Here’s where you may catch them:
Joan Benson appeared on Storytellers with Cristy Lou to discuss her historical fiction novel, His Gift. Attached is the link to hear the full one-hour interview.
For additional information on Joan, visit her website at
Growing Hearts with Karen Whiting
Karen Whiting has published several articles and has been interviewed on multiple radio stations recently.
Catch her if you CAN –
Focus on the Family –
Podcast Interview: Hope Along the Journey – May 3 podcast with Mark Cravens ––117-Karen-Whiting—Dealing-With-the-Joys-and-Struggles-of-Motherhood-e23fvb1
Radio interview Chris Atonal – WMUZ Detroit – May 10 interview –
For more information on Karen, visit her website at

Janet Morris Grimes
Seen and Heard –
Janet is the new host for the 2nd and 4th Friday posts. Here at the Christian Authors Network, Seen and Heard is our way of sharing fun and interesting tidbits about our members. If you have a newsworthy item for ‘Seen and Heard,’ please contact Janet through her website at