Fascinating Friday Feature with Karin Beery – Most Valuable Lesson Learned Through Writing

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Writing a novel is easy. Writing a good novel that people enjoy and want to share with others is anything but. Based on TV shows and other novels, however, you’d never know that. Fictional novelist Richard Castle somehow managed to write best-selling novels without actually doing much writing. I can’t tell you how many novels I’ve read where a character’s debut novels sell millions, making them instant celebrities without any training or experience. But those authors know better—it’s never that fast or easy. Even though I know fiction isn’t reality, that didn’t stop me from imagining my first manuscript was…

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Getting Heard Above the Noise

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Take it from me. When researching the topic of marketing for fiction, it seems there are about as many “experts” out in cyberspace and our local bookstore as there are writers of fiction. Each one believes they have the formula for success. Yet, when you check their sales numbers on Amazon or CBD (if they are Christian-based), their sales are often not very good. What does that say to you and me? What it tells me is that selling books is a lot like creating a product. Some become household names, like Kleenex and Ford. Some were mistakes that found…

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The Jewels of Amazon

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Hello and happy spring from Cat Hoort and Kregel Publications! Question for you: have you found the jewels of Amazon? I’m not talking about any lost treasure, rain forest, or river. I am, of course, referring to Amazon.com: the go-to online retailer that has made it easy for practically anyone anywhere to get our books. We know them as a retailer—a seller. But did you know they also market? Amazon offers several ways for you to interact with your readers—right there on your book’s product page. Here are a few “jewels” that are easy, accessible, and effective ways to market…

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