Tips from the Pros: Carla Rossi

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Greetings from Marti Pieper in not-as-warm-as-you-might-think Mount Dora, Florida, where our temperatures have been in the thirties this week (if you live in Boston, please ignore this, as well as the fact that on some days, our temperatures have risen to the seventies). Whether sunning or shivering, I sometimes have the privilege of posting interviews with authors I haven’t yet met. Carla Rossi is one of those. But in the process of preparing this interview, I explored her website and found out that one of her novels highlights a protagonist named “Marti.” Clearly, we’re a match made on the page…

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Tips from the Pros: Donna Goodrich

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing Donna Goodrich, a multi-published author dedicated to helping writers improve their craft. Donna, how did you get into writing? I’ve always wanted to write. Wrote my first poem for Memorial Day at age nine. Our pastor put it in the church bulletin; also wrote a poem for my mother for Mother’s Day that year. Sold my first poem for $1.40 at age fourteen, and my first short story at age eighteen for $12.

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Tips from the Pros: Dr. Ted Baehr

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing Dr. Ted Baehr. Not only has Dr. Baehr penned many books, but he is the founder of the popular and influential Movieguide® review service, which is having a surprisingly positive effect on Hollywood. Check out the statistics in the final question below! Ted, how did you get into writing? When I was the president of the company that produced THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE for CBS Television in 1979 and 1980 that had 37 million viewers and won an Emmy Award, Roy Carlisle from Harper…

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Tips from the Pros: Lane Jordan

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Warm, wonderful New Year’s wishes from Marti Pieper in Mount Dora, Florida. The Christmas decorations have been packed away, the trees stored or placed at the curb, and writers are poised at their keyboards. We all find ourselves ready to fulfill some of those resolutions to write more and procrastinate less. I hope you’ve included marketing and promotional activities in some of those resolutions. If so, today’s interview with author and speaker Lane Jordan should help. I know you’ll enjoy hearing from this accomplished speaker who has turned her desire to speak into a series of books based around various felt…

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Tips from the Pros: Carol McAdams Moore

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Merry Christmas from Sarah Sundin in rainy (at last!) California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Carol McAdams Moore, the author of two new devotional books for tween boys and girls. Recently I introduced my fourth- and fifth-grade Sunday school class to the books, and they were a huge hit with kids and teachers alike! Carol, how did you get into writing? How many books do you have published? I began as a teacher of the deaf. Many materials I used in the classroom needed to be rewritten, using specific word choice and sentence structure. I also had to…

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Tips from the Pros: Diane Stortz

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Balmy Christmas greetings from Marti Pieper, writing from sunny Mount Dora, Florida. Here, the strawberries are ripening, the orange trees growing heavy with fruit. And what may seem like unusual Christmas scenery only enhances the beauty of this season. But I have the idea that the landscape looks a bit different in Cincinnati, Ohio, which author Diane Stortz calls home. She has lots of information to share with us along with some exciting news about her own publishing projects. I know you’ll want to glean from her wisdom and experience. How did you get into writing? How many books do you have published?…

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Tips from the Pros: Trish Perry

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the joy of interviewing Trish Perry, a multi-published, award-winning author of both fiction and non-fiction. She is well loved in the Christian fiction community for her support for her fellow authors. Trish, how did you get into writing? I went back to school as an adult to earn my Psychology degree. During that process, I found I really enjoyed the writing aspect of each of my courses. A number of my professors encouraged me to pursue writing beyond what I wrote for them. So I included several creative writing courses in…

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Meeting Planners Are People Too

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Greetings from Pam Farrel  of Love-Wise: In our Simple Skills for Success books (for men and women) we share a quote we have said hundreds of times to our own children as well as everyone we have lead or mentored: Quality attracts quality. Be a quality person and you will  attract quality people. This principle is also true in relationships between author and audience, and speaker and meeting planner. I have sat on both sides of an event desk: 1) as the Pastor’s wife and Director of Women’s Ministry hosting an event and 2) as the Guest Communicator speaking at…

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Tips from the Pros: Donn Taylor

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A warm hello from Marti Pieper, writing from beautiful (and equally warm) Mount Dora, Florida. In this month of Thanksgiving, many of us are taking time to count our blessings.One of the blessings in my writing life is my friendship via social media and email with author Donn Taylor. We’ve never met in person but have enjoyed mutual support and encouragement over the past few years. I’m both grateful and delighted to share my friend with our CAN readers today. Greetings, Donn! I’m glad to welcome you to your encore interview with CAN. Let’s get started. How many books do you have published?…

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Tips from the Pros: Candy Arrington

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Greeting from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the privilege of interviewing Candy Arrington, whose nonfiction books have helped countless people through difficult times. Candy has plenty to share about how articles help promote her books and extend her ministry. Candy, tell us about your books. While my list of published books isn’t long, my first book, Aftershock: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B & H Publishing Group), has been in print for eleven years, which is somewhat unusual for the current market.

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