A Chat with Author Debbi Migit

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Greetings from Marti Pieper in getting-ready-for-Christmas Seneca, South Carolina, where I just finished decorating our tree! Let’s move our attention away from Christmas for a moment, though, so we can focus on the subject to today’s author interview, Debbi Migit. Welcome, Debbi, to the CAN blog! Please tell us about your book October Outlaw. Jess Thomas gains the attention of two outlaws. One is a man, one a beast. When they terrorize the people she loves, Jess is determined to face the danger—alone. Cole McBride respects Jess’s courage but fears someday she’ll take one risk too many.  And what inspired…

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A Chat with Author Delores Topliff

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Warm near-Thanksgiving greetings from Marti Pieper in Seneca, South Carolina, where we had our first frost of the season last night. Although I haven’t met Delores Topliff in person, I am so excited to share this author interview. That’s especially true because her upcoming book fits into the “most wonderful time of the year,” which happens to be my favorite season—and my favorite novel-season as well! So without further ado—let’s get started with today’s interview.

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A Chat with Author Kathy Harris

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I’m visiting with my Tennessee friend, multi-published author Kathy Harris, who made a “divine detour” from her career in the music industry to writing novels. Come and see how her fascinating background plays out in her writing!

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A Chat with Author Karen Whiting

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Greetings from Marti Pieper amid the lovely fall weather of Seneca, South Carolina! I haven’t met all of our CAN authors in person, but the one I have the privilege of interviewing today is a special friend. Karen Whiting and I have many things in common, including, the fact that we both have five adult children. Karen is a prolific writer who has much to share, so let’s get started with our interview. Welcome, Karen! Please tell us about your book, 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer.

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A Chat with Author Liz Tolsma

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin! Today I have the joy of interviewing a dear friend, Liz Tolsma. Liz’s popular novels include historical suspense, novellas, and something near and dear to my heart—World War II fiction. She’s also the host of the excellent Christian Historical Fiction Talk podcast.

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A Chat with Author Kimberley Woodhouse

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Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing accomplished, award-winning novelist Kimberley Woodhouse, whose novels take readers through various time periods and to exciting locations! Kimberley also has several nonfiction titles. Welcome, Kimberley! Please tell us about your new book, A Deep Divide. After being kidnapped as a child, Emma Grace has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes, and she wants nothing to do with it. She sneaks away, planning to stay hidden even if it means always looking over her shoulder. But someone is after her and she questions all she’s known to…

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