Greetings from Sarah Sundin in California! Today I have the honor of interviewing accomplished, award-winning novelist Kimberley Woodhouse, whose novels take readers through various time periods and to exciting locations! Kimberley also has several nonfiction titles.
Welcome, Kimberley! Please tell us about your new book, A Deep Divide.

After being kidnapped as a child, Emma Grace has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes, and she wants nothing to do with it. She sneaks away, planning to stay hidden even if it means always looking over her shoulder. But someone is after her and she questions all she’s known to be true.
Sounds intriguing! What inspired you to write this book?
About thirteen years ago, I was visiting the Grand Canyon and the historic El Tovar hotel, and this story began to take shape and simmer in my mind. Over the years, it grew, and I knew I wanted to write about the Harvey Girls that are so fascinating.
Oh yes! They were so adventurous. So what do you hope readers will take away from this book?
That redemption and forgiveness are available to everyone. No matter what we’ve done. And that giving forgiveness is beautiful and life-changing.
A wonderful and important lesson. On a lighter note, do you have any funny moments with a reader?
I was speaking at a women’s event and afterward, I was signing books and speaking to ladies at the book table. One woman waited in line and offered me a chicken for a book. Sure enough, she came back with a live chicken in a box. One of my best memories. And that chicken was the best pet chicken I had.
That is the best! Perhaps she heard someone say writers’ earnings were paltry, and she heard “poultry.” (Sorry. Can’t resist a pun).
With twenty years of writing experience, you must have had some touching moments with readers. Is there one you can share with us?
A lady wrote me an email and told me that she didn’t take her life that day. She’d planned her suicide, all the way down to arranging for someone to come pick up her body. But reading one of my books gave her hope. She knew I didn’t have all the answers and that none of us are perfect, but for the first time, she understood grace and hope. Her testimony will always stick with me. She gave me permission to share her story over the years and it has changed many lives.
I have goosebumps. That is an incredible story. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that fiction doesn’t change lives. Besides the true ministry of fiction, what ministries are you involved in, and why?
I’m a Pastor’s wife and love to lead Bible studies. (I’ve been a Precept leader for many years.) Up until last year, I had also been a year-round volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. I love-love-love that ministry! #IPackedAShoebox
What’s your favorite bookstore—and why?
Baker Book House in Grand Rapids. I could spend DAYS in there and spend way too much money. But on the author side of things, they are so supportive to us and it’s a blessing to see that ministry at work. The wonderful people there also pray for us and encourage us. So amazing.
That is my dream vacation! I love Baker Book House—but only virtually. Sigh.
So what’s coming next for you, Kimberley? Tell us about your next project.
Ever Constant -book three in the Treasures of Nome series releases in January!
How exciting! What a treat that will be for your readers! Thank you for sharing with us, Kimberley!
To learn more about Kimberley and her books, please visit Kimberley’s website.
Writing for Him,
Sarah Sundin
Rebekah Lewis
September 30, 2021 - 21 : 18 : 53Wow! I got chills from that story who’s life was saved by Kimberly’s book! I can completely relate.