Fascinating Friday Feature – Interview with Diana Leagh Matthews

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Q – What has God called you to do where your first thought may have been “Are you kidding me?”  In 2004, I served a church as minister of music. Over the course of six months, three different people came to me and said, “You should be in the ministry.” I laughed it off.  “Yeah right. God, I’m no preacher.” At the time, I thought being in the ministry meant being a minister. As a PK (preacher’s kid), I knew that wasn’t the life for me. For three years, I fought the calling but the Lord revealed to me that…

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Ever Thought About a Virtual Launch Party? Here’s How!

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Hi everyone. Pamela S. Meyers here with my monthly posting on marketing your book. This past month I’ve been focusing on promoting my newest book and preparing for a launch event this coming Saturday, which involves a Power Point presentation and book signing at a local museum. It came to my attention recently that there is another type of launch celebration in the form of an online party. Fellow CAN member, Sharon Srock, recently held such an event on Facebook to launch her second book in her current series, and I asked her if I could interview her about how…

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Marketing a debut novel

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Hi everyone. Pamela Meyers here for my monthly column on what I’ve learned about marketing your debut novel. We’re almost to the end of July and with fall just around the corner, I can look forward to Love Will Find a Way, my second book in the On The Road to Love series, coming out November 2012—exactly one year after Thyme for Love made its debut appearance. Over the past several months, I’ve let the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer lull me into a kind of laid-back stance as I’ve spent time researching historical information for a book series….

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Spring Hope By Martha Rogers – A New Release

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Spring Hope by Martha Rogers When Libby Cantrell escapes her abusive father and a sordid lifestyle, she lands in the arms of Deputy Sheriff Cory Muldoon. As their attraction grows, Libby hides her past from the sheriff who has let it be known he abhors the life she led. When she becomes a Christian, and her father hunts her down to reveal her past, Cory must make a decision to either stand firm in his convictions or reject them and open his heart to forgive Libby and her father. Martha’s book credits include the novella, Sugar and Grits and A…

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